Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


"It feels good doesn't it"

Blake came into the family room this morning to put his shoes on before school. I was sitting across from him and caught a glimpse of him staring up at the mantel.

"What are you looking at?"

"Just looking at Christmas." he answered.

"Do you love it?" I asked(half way joking not really expecting the answer I received).

"Uh-huh. It feels good doesn't it? I really like having the tree and stuff in here, and the music."

"I think its peaceful. It really brings peace to my heart when I sit in here."

I love this holiday. I love being home with them to celebrate it. What a beautiful glimpse I was given this morning of my son's heart. Our home truly is peaceful. After a very difficult night for our sweet Ashley I am hoping for her morning to be quiet and full of peace. Her little body deserves a break. She screamed for most of the night leaving Dave and I at a loss.

My plan today is to keep things as quiet as possible for her. Just allow her to rest and feel the peace that resides here.

Dave and I have a prayer request. We have been searching for the right person to fill our front desk position at the office. Our girls are stretched to the limits and really need an additional person in there to share the work load. Its an amazing place to work. An environment of believers who love the Lord, love the job, and love our patients. Our goal is to improve people's relationships by helping them take control of their health. "If your gonna be alive, you might as well live" its one of Dave's favorite things to say. It takes a very special personality to make this position work. If you would please pray for us to find that special person we would greatly appreciate it. We know she's out there, we just haven't found her yet.

I hope your day is full of peace, and that you are surrounded by reminders of this season. I love nothing more than to look around and find myself in the middle of this holiday. He gave such a precious gift to this world. Have a great day. Trish


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