Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Everytime the Phone Rings

Last night at 8:58 pm the phone rang. Trish and I both ran to the living room and as she picked it up the area code read 402!! This is the area code for Omaha Nebraska. It turns out it was not the transplant center. I think this was the first time we realized how our life is going to be waiting for Ashley's transplant. There are complex emotions that are difficult to explain. I never thought a common daily occurance like the telephone ringing would become such an important event in our lives. I know the day we finally get used to the phone ringing again will probably be followed by the call we are so anxiously waiting for. We pray that day will come soon.

Ashley's physical therapist came to work with her today and placed braces on her legs to help relax the muscles which are way to tight. We are going to push Ash hard between now and surgery to get her as strong as possible. Having three organs taken out and replaced will be a very big insult to her body so we are going to do our best to get her ready.


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