Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Its Saturday...

...and Blake is doing this...

...While Al is doing this...

...and Ashley Kate is doing this...

I can't tell you how much I wish we were closer to home so that none of our children had to do any of these things without at least one of us with them. If you asked any of them if they minded they would be the first to tell you that they don't, but it still breaks my heart for them.

Blake and Al need their mom, and Ash needs her dad. We all need to be close enough to be together.

Blake traveled with friends again today so that neither of his sisters had to be without a parent. Even at 12 he is willing to sacrifice so that they do not have to be the ones who go without. I miss this young man so very much. Al scored 2 goals this afternoon and her team ended up tying the game. All I have heard from Blake's end so far is that he is hitting well and made some great plays at second base. He should be playing in his second game right now.

Please join us in praying that we might be given the opportunity to transfer closer to home. It is truly our hearts desire and if there is any way possible that it might be in His will for our family then we pray that it will happen.

Ashley Kate has put out more than 300ccs of fluid since this morning at 6a.m. No hopes of it slowing down anytime soon and until it does we sit and do nothing but wait. Her cough seems to be acting up a lot today but she has only thrown up once. I wish someone knew what to do for her. A new set of eyes and opinions on the vomiting issue would be great. I hope we have the chance to get them.

Thanks so much for all your encouragements and your prayers. As always knowing how busy the weekends are back home in Texas make them even slower here in Omaha. Hope you guys have a blessed day. Trish


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