Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


A rough beginning

Yesterday Ash looked better than she had in weeks. She was awake for most of the day, spent her time on the rug looking at her books and ABCs, watching Frosty the Snowman(about 1000times) while watching Blue at the same time, and then enjoyed her little walk outside.

This morning around 6 she began her day and so far it has proven to be a little rougher than the last few. She is hurting. I can't figure it out, but she is crying and occasionally screaming out. She is so uncomfortable and any time we approach her she begins to cry. She spiked a fever this morning, but her lab work came back beautiful. I have never seen her labs look as "perfect" as they have the last 3 days. Nothing is above or under the normal ranges and that is just not...normal for Ashley. We always have something that has to be tweaked and watched, but this week has been really good. We are all scratching our heads this morning and watching her closely. Her actions just don't make sense.

Please pray for Ash. I am hoping that all is well. The last thing we want to do to her is go back in for another biopsy. This was her week to rest and heal. So far her stool output has been perfect at only 40 per kilo for the last 3 days. This morning it is rising. It makes me nervous. She has to stay stable in this area for us to get to move closer to home.

I think I'll plan to just allow her to stay in the bed for as long as she needs to today. She really needs her bath and shampoo, but honestly just isn't up for it this morning. She won't be dressed for rounds. Perhaps she'll just sleep for a while and then wake up and start this day over.

Thanks for checking on her. Hope your day is blessed. Trish


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