Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Taking Care of Buisiness

This is one of the parts that is very hard for me. So many of you are asking for our address here in Nebraska. I'm going to share it with you because I know and understand that you want to bless my baby. Just let me say that by blessing her you bless me. There is nothing I need or want while I'm here. I am fine. If I could ask you for anything it would be that you pray for my daughter and I know that you already are.

My favorite thing to do for those I love is to give gifts. So I get it, I really do. I don't mind if you send things to Ash. Anything to make her smile even if it is brief is worth it to me. You are asking what her favorite things are and so I'm going to share a short list with you. PLEASE, please understand I AM NOT ASKING YOU TO SEND ANYTHING. I just need to take care of this for those of you at home who are repeatedly asking for the address and asking what she would enjoy while being here. I hate this part of hospital life because there will be someone out there who will jump at the chance to criticize me for "writing a list of her favorites" or for "asking readers to send gifts". I know, I've lived this life for a very long time with Ash and there are STILL those who read our journal to do nothing but tear us up and try to hurt me. Anyway, I'm handling this little bit of business today and getting my skin as thick as possible tonight for the criticism to come my way. Its crazy, but its real.

Ashley loves books. She always has. She does a lot of her communicating through books. A book never fails to interest her or make her smile. She loves pink flamingos.(Sweet Baby Sadie, she loves her flamingo. Thank you so much. It was in her hands on the flight out here.) This makes me laugh. I have no idea where or why or what caused this interest, but she loves them. I just thinks its funny. Music. She requests music to be playing at all times. Even when she has a movie going. Music is always in the back ground. It helps her rest. She loves blankets. I mean, I do too, but she pats the bed and requests her own blankets and pillows to rest on. I laugh so hard at her reaction when she is placed on the hospital sheets. She's not a happy girl if someone fails to lay one of hers underneath her first(I think I may have trained her to be this way:) P.j.'s Ash only wears her own. The hospital gowns break her out in a rash. She wears a 5T. Lotion. She is a girly girl in this way. When Ash doesn't feel good she wants her feet rubbed. I spend hours standing by her bed rubbing lotion on her tiny feet. It makes her smell yummy and also soothes her cries. I'm so thankful I happened to have Allie's lotion in my purse last week when we transferred out! Signing Time. Its her whole world. It teaches her how to communicate with the world around her. She requests signing time to be played multiple times daily. Its also helping our nurses communicate with her. While they are in our room its funny to watch them watch the screen and try to learn. Sea life. Of any kind. Fish, octupus, whale, dolphin, star fish. She can sign them all! Its rare to see Ashley kate around town without a fish of some type in her hand. Balloons. The girl always has loved balloons. No latex are allowed in the hospital, but mylars are. I think that about sums up my girl at this time. Fish, flamingos, books, music, balloons, blankets, p.j.s, yummy lotion and DVDs.

So the address is : The Nebraska Medical Center
Ashley Adams c/o PICU
Omaha NE 68198-2145

Our room number at this time is #5463

We are not listed in the hospital directory so if you try and call the hospital they will tell you she is not a patient. Its for safety reasons. If you would like to visit that is fine with me. I'm always blessed by our visitors. I don't go anywhere. I never leave Ashley's room. I'm always here.

For our friends and family I actually have Dave's cell phone with me and he happens to have mine. Its just the way it worked out. If you need his number to call me then you can call mine to get it from him. Confusing enough? We try. You can also call our office for info from him if you need to.

So thats the business that needed taken care of. Just know that I love you guys for walking this journey along side of us. Your words of encouragement keep me going on days like today when I still am sitting in my p.j.'s. Thank you for loving our Ashley. Thank you so very much for praying for her over the years and for sticking it out. I know its hard. I really do.


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