Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Ready for Bed...

Its not quite 10:30 and I am so ready for bed. I have aged so very much since coming to Omaha. I have always been the type of person who could stay up all night long. I never need to sleep when I am at home, but something inside of me has definitely changed. I am now OLD. Not only in appearance but also in spirit. While Dave was here with us over the weekend one of the women who clean the floor was visiting with me. She is originally from Vietnam and she speaks in very broken english. I can only understand every third or fourth word that she says to me, but she has become one of my friends and I enjoy listening to her talk. She told me that she saw my husband and that "he is a very young boy. He too young to be you. He too young to be going through to this with you. He too young to be married you." I just smiled and nodded, now feeling older than I ever had before. When I told Dave what she said he of course laughed and began to dance a little jig around the room. He was feeling quite proud of himself. I told you all the wrinkles and the gray hairs were taking over! Yesterday when I spoke with Blake on the phone his dad was in the background insisting he tell me what happened in the carpool at school. Blake said that the teacher who was working the carpool mistakingly thought that David was Blake's older brother not his dad. Thank you so much! This only added to the joy my "young" husband was feeling. Sometimes life is just not fair! I could hear the glee in David's voice as he added his comments to the story Blake was telling me. So tonight as I type this message I find myself yawning and feeling as though I have been awake for days. I so badly need to go to sleep.

Today has brought me to my knees once again as I realize how truly blessed I am. I have met several other families the last couple of days, and as I learn their stories my heart breaks for their children. I know I have been placed in this PICU to teach me lesson upon lesson. I believe we are still here for a reason, and today that reason was so that I could begin to pray for these children. They are very, very sick. I am not the only parent clinging to the life of my child. They are all around me. How sad it is to me that it is Christmas time and the halls of this unit are full. Tonight I am reminded of how my faith in Christ sustains me. I have hope. I have a place to run to. I have a Savior who I know loves my Ashley more than anything. Those who do not believe, have no hope. They are wondering through the halls asking why me? why my child? why? why? why? I don't ask why. I know there is a plan. I know there is a purpose. I know there is a God in heaven who loves me and my children. Tonight I pray that while I am in this place, He will use me in some way to touch the lives of these families. Please remember to pray for our fellow patients; Skyler, Chloe, Kiley, Davy, Jenny, Preston, Caroline, Davian, Timothy, Mariah, Gavin and the many others who I have not met, but love just the same. They are all precious in His sight.

Take care and God bless you tonight. I must now go lay my OLD body down in my "favorite" recliner. Love, Trish


At 11:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying! Wish I could give you a hug through the computer.

At 12:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish, I couldn't help but smile when I read what your friend from Vietnam told you about Dave being "too young to be married you." I want to share an experience I had.
Several years ago, probably about 12 years ago, our youth minister's little daughter, who was around 5 years old at the time used to sit with my husband and me during church. Her mother sometime sang in the choir but on this particular morning she sat about 3 pews in front of us in the center. We sit on the right side. Gabby loved my husband and that is how she go started sitting with us because she wanted to sit with "Mr. Bob". He loved it. She was a little bashful and quiet most of the time but she always looked forward to seeing "Mr. Bob" Anyway this particular morning she kept moving around, first in his lap then between us and so on. Then she started talking a little louder than usual so I finally whispered to her that she was going to have to be quiet and be still. She then looked up at my husband and told him she wanted to go sit with her mother. Her mother leaned down and they exchanged words and her mom glanced back at us and smiled. When the service was over, my husband couldn't wait to find out what Gabby and told her. The mom, trying to keep a straight face told him, "I asked Gabby why she didn't want to sit with you" and she responded. "Because Mr. Bob's mother told me I had to sit still". Now he didn't dance a little jig there in church, but he just told the story to everyone he knew and just laughed. And you know how men forget a lot of things, well, that is one story that he has managed to remember and re-tells it if he thinks someone has not heard it. So I know what you mean when you say you are "old".
We know that when we are under a lot of stress that it does age us but, by God's grace we get through the stressful times. Just rest in Him and don't think about the "old". It will be around a long
We sense and share your burden, not only for your precious Ashley but for all the little ones you have met there in the PICU. We lift them up in prayer right along side you. Praying that you have restful, restoring sleep and we give God the praise. May tomorrow bring nothing but good news in little Ashley's recovery.

At 11:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish, I remember when I first noticed my mom's grey hair. She said, "For every grey hair there was a prayer for you." By the way, my mom now has a head full of the most beautiful grey hair!

"Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life." Proverbs 16:31

Still praying...
Leesa Bryan


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