Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



O.k. I am willing to confess that I have avoided this journal all day long. Why? Because I am struggling. Struggling with a lot of things today. When I look at everything that is going on in our lives right now I begin to get discouraged. I know its not right, but its honest.

I try to hold it all together. I try to not let things get me down, but after last night and our lack of sleep I just woke up really grumpy today. I tried to shake it off, but the later it got into the day the more grumpy I became. First thing this morning I am afraid I frightened our poor nurse who came in all chipper and simply asked me how I was doing. Wrong question to ask when I had been trying to get Ash back to sleep since being woke up at 4:00a.m. for a set of vitals. Can you imagine how difficult it is to sleep and to keep Ash asleep when someone is constantly coming in at all hours of the day and night? I know our nurses are just doing their job, and they all do it very well with a smile on their face but I am so tired. I just want Ash and I to have a full nights rest. Just once in 5 months. So I owe my sweet nurse an apology for my grumpy attitude this morning and for threatening to post a set of new rules outside of our door. Aren't I funny thinking I can make the rules in this place? Any way I tried to get happy and to see the humor in my lack of sleep but I just didn't ever get to that place. I hate to admit it but I just stayed grumpy all day.

So I have been too embarrassed to sit and post anything today because I knew that the grumpy would just spill out all over this page of Ashley's story and I didn't want her to see that I finally broke under all the pressure. Rather than type the ugly truth about the way I was feeling I just sat in our chair and rocked that sweet baby all day long. As long as I was rocking she was sleeping. If I stopped she started crying. Right now as I type she is laying in her crib being just as grumpy as her mommy. I know she is wondering why I haven't picked her up yet, but I needed to let you guys know why I was absent today. No good reason other than a bad attitude. Please forgive me. I promise to do better tomorrow and to wake up with a sweeter spirit than the one I hung on to all day today.

Thanks for understanding and forgiving. Hope you all have a restful night. Take care. Trish


At 11:45 PM , Blogger Jenny said...

Trish, it's okay to be grumpy sometimes, especially when you are lacking rest. Please don't feel bad about it. I pray that you and Ashley are able to get decent rest tonight. Also, praying for favorable results from the CT scan. Thinking of you.

At 12:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If ANYBODY in this entire world has a right to be grumpy it is YOU!!! Remember that you are human and you can't be "up" all the time. You have to get some sleep and then you will feel much better. Praying for rest and peace tonight! Speaking of rest, I better hit the sack myself. Will check on you two in the morning. Love to you both.

At 6:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone with a baby can testify to many sleepless nights....& I am sure "breaking" at some point ....I for one do not do well without at least 6 hours of sleep. You have much on your shoulders & are always a light....even now....your so refreshing... Praying for you guys..

At 7:13 AM , Blogger Connie Barris said...

Well, OMG,,, Trish... You mean you are HUMAN!!!!!
Don't beat yourself up...
go fall into PAPA's lap and cry...
I'd have already lost have just got to be exhausted...
if I could fly out there and sit for you I would...
Mercy, I hurt for you...

I just did a devotional, Boy are you going to be in Time-out.
when you have time to read it.
Because we all feel this way..

go in the corner and have a hissy fit...kick the wall,

Bless you bless you...
Prayers to you and your family

At 7:42 AM , Blogger Paige said...

Good morning, Trish and Ashley!
Hope last night you were able to rest peacefully! No one can say anything about your being grumpy. We all have our moments. You have been under more stress than most of us endure in a lifetime. Praying for positive results from the CT. Much love and prayers!

At 8:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying today is a better, brighter day for you. Goodness, Trish, it's ok to be human and we all understand how bad you feel when you're up for hours on end! I do hope you were able to get some rest last night and that you and Ash have a marvelous day today. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you all day and God's grace will be sufficient to get you two through another day in the PICU. Praying, also that the nurse will be understanding (as I'm just sure she already is) and that your conversation with her will be a blessing. Love you, Grandma

At 9:26 AM , Blogger Kristine said...


Don't be hard on yourself it is a long hard road you are on. I hope you are near the end of your hospital part. I pray for you and ashley often.


At 9:36 AM , Blogger Krista said...

Trish-just so you know, I can relate on that part of it--Ella is a year and we have just started sleeping all night--up until 3 weeks ago I was up every hour rocking and holding because she would just cry! It is ok to have grumpy days--Dave posted that she was not having a great day so we all understood. Praying for good results from that CT scan and for the spots to disappear. Hope you have a better day today.

At 10:42 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

I could make the same confession--I only got a few hours of sleep Saturday night and was a grumpy, grumpy wife and mama all day long yesterday! I'm not sure who was more miserable, my family or me.

I'm praying for good results from the scan and for Ashley to be more comfortable, so you both can get some sleep!

We all have grumpy days--I hope today is a happier one for you :)


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