Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


I had a Dream...

Last night I had a dream. I don't know exactly what brought it on, but perhaps it was knowing the TPN was going to be turned off that caused me to feel as though we were getting one step closer to this actually occurring. Anyway, I woke up in a panic because I realized I had made a mistake. A really big mistake and it would not be an easy one to remedy. Once I figured out it was only a dream I have to admit that I was a little disappointed.

Anyway, last night I dreamed that they had actually discharged my Ashley from the hospital and told me we were free to go (I know that sounds as though we had been sentenced to this hospital stay, but sometimes it really feels as though we have been serving a sentence). So upon our "release" from the PICU I found myself tucking the children into bed and retiring to our bed with Dave by my side. As I laid down and closed my eyes something hit me. Where was I? I began to look around. This didn't look like my little one bedroom apartment. Things were just a little too comfortable. Had I actually gone all the way home to TEXAS? Yes! I had. I couldn't believe it. Somewhere in my "release" I had decided to skip our mandatory stay in our apartment in Omaha and had apparently boarded an airplane and had taken my sweet Ashley ALL THE HOME. This put me into a panic. I began to lose it. I could not believe that I had been so tired and so dumb founded by the news of our "release" that I had made the mistake of taking Ash home. This was not a good thing. The what ifs began to flood my mind. What kind of mother was I? There is no way she was ready to leave Nebraska. What if she had gotten sick on the flight home? What if she began to vomit her feeds? What if her labs screamed, "RED ALERT, RED ALERT" the next morning? Where was I going to take her to have her labs done? Surely once they all realized that we were not showing up at our clinic appointments then they would call someone and report that I was obviously unfit to parent this transplanted child. As the fear began to overwhelm me I all of a sudden began to laugh. Laugh uncontrollably. Boy, had I ever messed up. I have been consumed with thoughts of making mistakes with my Ashley once we were finally released. Forgetting a med, missing an appointment, losing a schedule, being late for PT, or OT, or some kind of "T", but in all of my worry about being capable of taking care of my Ashley I had never one time thought I would mess up like this. This one could not really be explained. As I struggled to get comfortable in my "favorite" chair it all became clear to me, I was not at home in my bed next to Dave with our Ashley tucked into her crib in our room. I was still in this stinking hospital room, in my uncomfortable, plastic recliner, and the nurse had just come in to wake up my sleeping princess to take a round of vitals. To tell the truth the reality of the situation was more disappointing to me then thinking I had taken her all the way home by mistake and proving to all my incompetence. Oh, well someday I guess we will make it there.

The good news I have to share with you this morning is that her TPN was just turned off and she is tolerating 50ccs of formula per hour. Only 5 more to go and then she will be at her full feeds. A while ago I shared with you a specific prayer list for my Ashley and it included these things: 1. I prayed that Ash could come off of the venitlator. 2. I prayed that she would STAY off of the ventilator. 3. I prayed that she would be able to tolerate her feeds, get to full feeds, and begin to grow. This morning I am realizing how blessed I am to have placed my trust in a God who does care, who does listen when I pray, who is in control, and who is involved in the smallest of details. I am blessed, and I am touched by His goodness. Thank you for your prayers for my Ashley Kate. You will never know the magnitude of the impact they have had in her life, in my life, and in Dave's life. Now we just have to tackle these silly "polka dots" in her lungs and stay infection free to earn our release. It's not impossible! She might just get out of here yet! Love you guys for loving Him enough to love her. Have a wonderful day. Trish


At 1:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yipeee!!!! Praise the Lord! Go Ashley ....go!! Oh....what a blessing...what answered prayer. To HIM we give all the glory. Praying about results pending & lifting you all up to the Father. That is the best news yet! NO MORE TPN....How good is that to hear? ....our GOD is!! Praises to HIM.

At 1:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oour prayers today as a church family were to praise our God for Ashley tolerating her feeds - oh so huge! And for her to continue to tolerate them and grow and for her biopsy results to be good and for you, Trish to get rest along with Ash and for safe travel this coming weekend, and for Blake and Allie and Dave. We are SO THANKFUL that Ash is absorbing nutrients through her feeds and that they found the UTI and that she is more comfortable. God is so good. Greypa and me went to eat at Little Mexico after church today and we told one of the servers there about Ash coming off TPN today and her eyes filled with tears and before she knew it she had her hands in the air praising God. It is amazing to see every day how God is being glorified through our little Gherkin - she is touching so many lives daily; many who we don't even know are keeping up with her. What a blessing to know such an awesome God and have fellowship with Him. Thank you Ashley for being so special and teaching so many of us how to love! You have forever changed my life and I'm thankful for you!!! Love and Hugs, Grandma

At 1:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm so happy to hear the good news. I love logging onto read what God has done for Ash. I can't wait to get to see you soon. I miss Alliesnore too and I get to see Dave this week. God is so good. Please have a most blessed day.

Lovey you girls,

At 1:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen that is great news! I am so excited about all the future holds for little Ashley Kate and your whole family! Chandria

At 2:46 PM , Blogger Jenny said...

TPN's off and only 5cc's to go to get to full feeds?? WOW!! That is awesome. Praise God!! I'm praying that Ashley continues to tolerate her feeds well. Also, still praying for the results of the "polka dots". God is at work here, that's for sure!

At 4:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What wonderful news about the feedings! Thank you God! Now we will all continue to pray for more good news later this week!

At 8:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praising God for this wonderful update, and continuing to keep you in our prayers. God Bless!


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