Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


The Goodness of the Lord

Each day I am reminded of the goodness of the Lord. Sometimes the busyness of our lives can shift my focus off of who He is and all that He has done. Thursdays are the busiest day for me. I try to do my weekly shopping before picking up the kids while Ashley Kate spends the afternoon with her Nan. Dave is usually working late(He just walked in and its 9:30) so I find myself running and juggling the children between the gym, two soccer fields, and the baseball field. It would be so easy to become too busy to spend anytime in the Word or in prayer on days like today, but I have been making a conscious effort to not let that happen. While sitting in line at carpool I spend that half hour reading and studying. Once the kids are in the car I try and visit with them about whatever it is I have just read and that can lead to some really good conversations about what God is doing or wants to do in our lives. Along with my Bible reading today I jumped into my new book by Max(I've read so many of his works I feel like I am on a first name basis with him!) 3:16. I am loving it! It is exactly what I have been needing. Blake is amazed that somebody could write an entire book about one verse, but as we are finding out John 3:16 is so full of God's love, God's mercy, and God's goodness. As Blake and I were talking we decided that if you knew no other verse in the Bible but this one you could understand how to be saved. If you knew no other verse in the Bible but this one you could lead your friends to the Lord. If you knew no other verse in the Bible but John 3:16 you could have an amazing relationship with Jesus, because God loves you so much He made a way for you not to perish.

My favorite thing about this verse besides knowing that God loves me is this, it says WHOSOEVER believes. It didn't say I had to be smart. It didn't say I had to be thin. It didn't say I had to be rich. It didn't say I had to be talented. It didn't say I had to be anything except for this: a BELIEVER. I can do that! I can believe. Because I can believe then I get eternal life. This is the goodness of the Lord! He loves me so much that if I believe He sent Jesus then I don't have to perish.

Watching Blake and Allie today I realized that even if my sweet Ashley Kate never runs well enough or fast enough to play on a soccer field like they do it will be ok. She doesn't have to do all these things. It's not her talents, skills, health, or ability that will make the difference in her life. Its her belief in Jesus and in the love of God the Father that will make her life full. If that's not the goodness of the Lord then I don't know what is.

"For God so loved "Ashley Kate" that He gave His only begotten Son, that if "she" believed in Him, "she" would not perish but have everlasting life.


At 7:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautifully said Trish.... Love this entry. (= You have three beautiful children.....what a blessing! Praying...

At 8:38 AM , Blogger Sunshine said...

WOW! Blown away by this post! Thanks for writing it :) Sunshine

At 9:58 AM , Blogger Amy T said...

Wonderful! You put that into words very well.

At 12:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well stated Trish and someday we might be reading one of your books. Thanks for sharing. Denise

At 6:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your kids are so adorable! Ashley looks so good and healthy! God is so good!


At 8:34 PM , Blogger Sherri said...

All three of your kids are so beautiful and gifted in their own unique ways! Thanks for sharing some of your most personal meditations with us. It's a blessing to get these glimpses of your heart.

At 12:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautifully written! So true! Thank you for writting this today! ~Chan~

At 2:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

THis post blessed my soul! It doesn't matter what we go through here on earth in the long run...That's so hard to grasp. We have ETERNAL life!!! No sorrow, no tears, no pain...Let's grab hold of this and run with it. You are a gifted writer and someday I still hope you share your writing with the world Trish!Colleen


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