Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



Ash and I are still up. Its 4:30am and she is just miserable. Unhappy. Not content with her current situation or surroundings. She spiked a fever to go along with her high white count and we are currently running one of two anit biotics that were started yesterday. She is nauseated and shakey. Extemely agitated. She growls and swings her arms at me and everything around her. She just doesn't feel well this morning. Hopefully whatever bug has invaded will be squished with the two anti biotics.

Dave and I believe she is starting to go a little "crazy" from being cooped up in these rooms for so long. I really do think it is starting to affect her behavior. She isn't happy. We are trying to figure out how to give her some type of change of scenery. We discussed taking walks in the stroller or in a wagon in the middle of the night(while wearing her masks) just to get her out of the room. There wouldn't be any "traffic" in the halls and the elevators would be empty greatly reducing her risks of exposure to anything else that is lurking. Since we are awake anyway, I think this might be something we will attempt to see if it helps her. She reaches for the door and waves "bye-bye" and wants to go somewhere. Her favorite part of our days at home is when we get out to pick up the kids from school. She smiles and claps all the way down the walk as we approach the car. She loves to just "go". She doesn't care where as long she gets to be out of the house.

I really hope our days here are coming to an end(although this new "whatever" she has isn't encouraging me much). I think that seeing Dave and the kids would be so good for Ashley Kate. She misses them so much. She is doing well with her chest tube staying clamped. She seems to be breathing comfortably and her oxygen sats are really good. Its been 24 hours now and I am hoping to see improvement in her x-ray this morning.

Her pump is beeping letting me know the med is done so I will close and go flush off her line. I was really hoping she would drift off to sleep while it ran, but it didn't happen. She is crying, shaking, rolling around, and just all over miserable. Here goes another attempt at holding her in hopes she might allow me to rock her to sleep. Talk to you guys when the sun is up.

PS So many have been asking about the address to where we are and to be honest I was hoping not to be here long enough to have things sent, but I will get it today and post for you. Thanks for wanting to bless us. Trish


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