Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


No Limits

I remember well the prayers I prayed. The dreams I dreamed. The things I hoped for. For so many days and nights. For many, many months and years. I just prayed for her. I didn't pray for specifics. I didn't pray for particulars. I didn't pray for race or sex or background or health. I just prayed for this baby that I felt growing inside of my heart. I knew it would have to be God. She would have to come to us from Him and Him alone. There was no money. There was no agency. There was no plan. Except for His. His limitless, perfect plan for our family. How grateful I am that I did not limit His work in our hearts, in our family, and in our lives.

I sat night after night holding her. This tiny 2lb baby girl. 2 hours from home. Sitting in a recliner in a NICU. Loving this child. This tiny, amazing, miracle child who was handed to me. My love for her had no limits. I would rock her all night and dream of the life we would have once she came home to us. I would stare into her face. It was so tiny and so beautiful. I was so incredibly grateful that she was ours. Nothing else mattered. There were no limits to who or what she could be. Say what you like about our tiny little one, I placed no limits on her. "It will be a long road." "Your setting yourselves up for a broken heart." "You need to really think and consider what you are taking on." How could I not say yes? How could I pray and plead for this child and then say, "Oh, but not this one Lord. This is not the one I want." I couldn't say that to Him. I couldn't say that about her. I knew instantly from the moment I answered the phone that this was the child we prayed for. I did not limit God. I did not ask Him to work inside my parameters.

Looking back over the amazing days of her life I can say with everything in me that I am so thankful that I have set no limits. If I had tried to limit the Father and this gift He had prepared for me I would have missed out on so many precious moments. So many days filled with joy like I have never known. So many nights of rocking and singing to this little girl who stole our hearts. So many smiles. So many giggles. So many victories. So many blessings. So many good things that only she brings to our home.

There are hard days. This is a long road. We have moments when we feel as though we won't make it to the next. Even among all of this I can still say that our joy outweighs our pain. Her smile melts away our tears. The lessons learned have made each day worth it. The memories made are the sweetest I possess. When we remove the limitations from what we will allow God to do in our lives He far exceeds our expectations. Just look at our baby. Look deep into her eyes and know that there are no limits to what God is going to do in her life and in the hearts of those that love her.

I am so blessed.


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