Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


A weekend spent with Allie B.


is inspiring.
(seriously, she is THAT strong!)


teaches me SO much.
(taking one with the head to win possession)

Your ability to set a 

and go for it encourages this momma's heart!
(Oh yes, the ball did go in!)

Allie B. I just wanted you to know that I am learning so very much from you.  The way you stare in the face of those who say you can't and show them that oh yes you can makes my heart smile.  I'm so proud of you.  So very excited to mark this "header" off your bucket list with you.  I wouldn't have missed that moment for the world! 

As we begin the next chapter of your life I will be right beside you as you chase your dreams, achieve your very best potential, and grow into the amazing young woman you are destined to be.  Watch out high she comes!  Looking forward to experiencing it all with you sweet girl.  


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