Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Just Because its easier...

Its easier to show you pictures of my precious girl than it is to share right now.  She has good moments throughout her day to day and capturing those moments are what I'm concentrating on. There are plenty of ugly, horrible, awful things I could write about, but I'm choosing to focus on her and the life she is still living instead.

That's not to say that I'm not angry, because I am.  I am angry.  I don't know if anyone can understand that and I don't even know if its wrong or not...but I feel angry.  I can feel it inside of me.  I'm not angry at anyone, or at God, or at anything in particular.  I'm just angry.  My heart hurts and my baby is least thats what they tell me I'm sharing with you that I feel angry.

 Dipping her toes into the pool.

Playing with Allie B. I love, love, love this picture of my girls.

Ready for bed.  If you look closely you can see her g tube is filled with blood.  She bled for 3 days last week.  Some of the scariest days of my life.  She hasn't been bleeding much this week.  I'm so grateful.

I'll close with some specific prayer requests...

1.  Her blood counts.

2. Her tooth ache.

3.  Her bilirubin levels.  It was up to 40 last week.

4.  Her vomiting.  She's been vomiting for days and days and its so uncomfortable for her.

Thank you so very much for loving our sweet girl.  She means the world to us and to know that she means something to you too blesses our hearts more than you will ever know.  So thank you for loving, for praying, and for continuing to come to this place with us.


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