Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


One step forward and three steps back

I cannot go into the details I can just report that the procedure Trish spoke of in the last post was unsuccessful. I wish I could understand why things are going so wrong for Ash. Each time I spoke to Trish today she was in tears. What Can I do? How can I comfort her from 700 miles away when I don't even have any words to say? I am supposed to be the strong one, but I just don't know how long I can stay strong. How can I offer her the support she needs if I myself can't figure this out? Trish told me on the phone tonight "I don't think we are going to make it out of here." How do I possibly respond to that. I want to wrap my arms around her and hold her tight and tell her everything is going to be all right. But I am not there and I can't do that and I just don't know if everything will be all right. Why does this have to be so hard? When will our little Gherkin get better? How much longer will we be living this? I am usually so optimistic and upbeat but after a long day today I guess I am just emotionally drained. The one thing that I know, and will not waiver on, is that God is in control and I WILL praise Him no matter what happens with Ash. Tonight I pray that Trish will get good rest and that tomorrow will bring some sliver of positive news for her and for Ashley.



At 10:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm sorry dave...that you feel so helpless...and yet have to be so's so contradictory really. i'm praying for you right now...specifically that you will receive an unexplainable peace and strength that can only come from our LORD...and that you will be able to transfer that peace and strength to allie and blake...and all the way to trish and ash..the great 700 mile distance..that may seem like a great barrier to you and trish..but to is nothing. i am praying also that you and trish will both rest peacefully when you need to ..and be perfectly alert when you need to...a basic task that can seem completely inconceiveable when put under such stress as you all have been subjected to. praying for the kids too...without ceasing....

At 10:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't tired you both are.....the road you are on is so long....with a destination unkown to us...(not to GOD)... & there are no road signs to let you know that your going the right way...or if there is a detour you should take.....& in can't even see the road's end ....Bottom God is driving...we are the little kids in the backseat crying," are we there yet....when will we be there?" He is looking at us," shaking HIS head....saying...patience children.....Patience....calm down....we are driving....look around ....absorb the lessons to learn....we will be there in due time....Patience". hard it is to be patient when your tired....when your family is apart....when you feel your world as you once knew it is crumbling....but it is at this time .....GOD IS GROWING US. The destination will soon come....God will turn & look at HIS children... with the bigest smile...& say," We are here...for some that might mean answered prayer & lessons learned along the way...or miraculous healing...." How priceless .....Our GOD IS AMAZING....& beyond our understanding....HIS timing is perfect. Praying for your strength & endurance....along with prayers for Ashley's healing. Many hugs...

At 10:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He IS worthy of praise!

You said, "I WILL praise Him." Yes!! Praise, praise, praise!

At 10:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you heard that Casting Crowns song "Praise Him in this storm"? It is very fitting in this situation. I think of you two and your precious baby everytime I hear it.

At 12:38 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

I'm praying tomorrow brings some much-needed answers, as well as steps (only) forward! I'm also praying for rest for you, and for hope that "does not disappoint."

Y'all hang in there--you're fighting a tough fight, and of course you're going to get weary. Know that you have a friend in TX praying for you daily.

At 6:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

...lifting you all up in prayer at this time, and always. Your faithfulness and continued testimony of trust are beautiful. Know that you are all held in the everlasting arms, which will never let you go.
I hope today brings peace and joy and healing for your dear daughter.
In Christian love...

At 8:04 AM , Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

Praying for all of you - for strength, healing, comfort, rest.


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