Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Giant Fighting

So today I feel outnumbered. I have had no sleep in I can't remember how many days now, and I kinda feel as though I have been outmatched. Do you remember the story of David and Goliath? It kinda feels like I am in a remake of that. So here it goes.

David goes to check on his brothers who are currently in battle. When he arrives he finds them all intimidated by the Philistines and their giant Goliath. The Philistines are all lined up across the way and the giant stands there mocking them all. So here I am in Omaha and I can see the giant standing across the way mocking me. He laughs, he points fingers, he causes self doubt, he scares my baby and makes her scream which causes me to cry which causes her to cry which causes me to scream. It seems like the giant looks bigger by the minute and I don't know what to do. I have been waiting for David to show up and sleigh him, but I think that I am finally figuring out that God has intended for me to play this role. I never wanted to be a David. I have never felt qualified to be a "giant fighter". I just want to be her mommy. I am struggling trying to figure out just how I am going to knock this giant down. Guess what part of the story I seemed to have forgot? David didn't go there to sleigh a giant. He just went there to check on his brothers and to bring them a few things from home. When he got there the king tried to dress him up in a lot of fancy armor and give him a sword bigger than he was. David knew in his heart he didn't need the fancy armor. He needed God. So he looked around and found a brook, picked up a few smooth stones and went out to face the giant,but he didn't go alone. He took the faith that he had in the almighty God along with him. He stood face to face with that giant and allowed God to use him. So how does this relate to me? This whole transplant process is my giant. I never thought I would be called to go to the battle field and try to fight against something that was bigger than me, Dave, Blake, Al, and Ash combined. I really thought that the 5 of us could take on anything that came our way. I really believed that all Ash needed was to come home and she would begin to grow and thrive and be fine. The part that I left out was this; I forgot to consider that perhaps God never intended for us to just show up at the battle field to encourage others to fight the giants. I am learning that He must have seen something in me that made Him think I had the makings of a giant fighter. Something that if I would allow Him to lead, to take me to that brook and those 5 smooth stones that He could use me to sleigh giants. Trust me, today I don't feel much like a David, and I don't feel like I am winning this fight against our "Goliath". I feel tired, and scared, and alone, and like I am in the wrong place. The important thing for me to do now is not to get overwhelmed with what it seems we are facing, but to rely on His strength to throw those stones one after the other until He decides it is time to knock that giant down. It won't be my strength, but His that will fight the giant.

Ash has been miserable for 11 days now. She has lost her happy, playful personality. All she does is cry and scream. All I do is rock and rock. I don't mind the rocking. I actually love that part of it. What I do mind is that our Giant seems to be getting bigger and bigger and he is making my sweet Ashley go insane. She is on such high amounts of super powerful drugs that she is going nuts. I have talked to the team this morning during rounds and we have decided to take this week and try to get her back. For several days it seemed as though everyone's answer to help Ash was to increase her doses of drugs. I can not tell you how against this process I have been. I more than anyone want her to be comfortable, but this is not and was not the answer. They surgeon told me to brace myself this week. It is going to get worse before it gets any better, but we are now all in agreement that we have to reduce the amount of the drugs she is being given. When I talk about the giant we are facing, this week he will come in the form of severe withdrawal. Worse than I have ever seen her go through before. I told them I don't know how she could possibly feel worse than she does now, but they told me to get ready for it. She already screams, kicks, hits, flails, throw herself against the crib, scratches, claws until we are both bleeding, and cries uncontrollably. I can't imagine what else is in store for us this week, but I do know that as we face this "giant" in hopes of getting our Ashley back we will need to rely on His strength. I don't have what it takes to do this alone. I need Him.

Please pray that we can get some rest, that she will come back to us, that they will have the pathology results back in the morning, that we can fight this giant and whatever others decide to show up. I am feeling very weak at this point in our battle and I just really want to sit down and cry with her( oh yeah, I already have!). The nurses don't know what to do with us so they just try to avoid our room. Like I said, she cries, I scream, she screams, I cry. It really is a mess in our corner of the PICU. Hope He knew what He was doing when He signed me up to be a "giant fighter"! Thanks for loving us even on our weaker, uglier days. Take care. Trish


At 12:36 PM , Blogger Krista said...

I have one question>>. ARE THEY ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOTHING ELSE IS GOING ON? Everytime she has these episodes they seem to find things a little late I might add, It sounds like she is in pain --I am not the doctor and I am not there, but just reading this tells me -something bigger than drugs seems to be going on..I want to figure this all out for you but no one can.. Only God can do that if we allow him to work.. It hurts me so much that Ashley is going through this and you are having to endure watching her in pain. I am Praying and I know others are Praying.. I find myself asking HIM, CAN YOU HEAR US??? WHERE ARE YOU? WHAT CAN WE DO AND WHAT ARE YOU WANTING FROM US, FROM THEM? I know he is there, but I know how hard it is to say ok, I am calm and here you are God just fix it! Bless your heart and I will Pray for a better day. We love you

At 12:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Heavenly Father, I don't have the words to pray for Trish and Ashley. My heart pounds with the pain I read in Trish's post. I thank You for hearing our groans and understanding them in a way far beyond our earthly knowledge. Please hear each tear that forms and drops. Please hear each whispered cry and barely uttered moan. Please hear each loud, long cry. Please hear each wail and scream. Then, please hear the unspoken words behind each one. And, may You be lifted up and glorified through it all. In Jesus' name, thank You.

At 2:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Trish and Ashley my heart is breaking for you. I can't imagnine trying to fight the "giants" on no sleep, no new scenery in how many months and sad eyes staring at you. Praying that today you will be built back up and ready to figth the battle. Tell those crazy nurses that this mother needs her peace and quiet and not to question her need for space.
Let me know if you need reinforcements as I can always come and be the mean person.
Praying like crazy for Ashley and you today.
Jill from Omaha

At 2:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I cannot imagine what you are going through. You have got more strength and I know there would be no way to do this without our Heavenly Father. I only wish He would relieve you of some of this burden right now and give you and Ashley some much-needed rest and sleep. Lord, please help!!!

At 2:24 PM , Blogger Jenny said...

My heart hurts for you and Ashley. Keep leaning on Him. I'm praying for you guys!!

At 2:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't commented here before, but I've been keeping up with you after finding you through In the Midst of It. Just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you and your sweet, feisty girl today.

At 2:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gracious Heavenly Father, Our hearts are so burdened for Trish and little Ashley. Lord, You are the All-Knowing God. You are the Great Sustainer and You are the Great Healer. We bow down and lift up our precious friends, Your children, Lord. We come boldly seeking You, seeking Your wisdom, Your grace, Your peace and Your mercy for Trish and for David as he is not able to be there physically with Trish and Ashley. They love and trust You beyond measure and right now they have such heavy hearts. Heavy because of the terrible turmoil that their little baby daughter is going through and has been going through days on end now. Heavy as the days and months their family is separated from each other continue to add up and heavy because of the lack of much needed rest, especially for Trish and Ashley.
You, Almighty Father, hold the power to change this situation and we do ask for Your will in all things and pray that You will delight in removing the obstacles that stand in the way for Ashley's recovery, as such a time as this, that Your name would be magnified and glorified to all who are on this journey.
Thank You for loving us, Thank You for Your promises, Thank You for Jesus~~~I pray in His precious name~~Amen

At 2:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying today...
and yes, oh yes, Trish, He knew what He was doing when He chose you to fight this giant- thank you for blessing us on the way.

At 2:55 PM , Blogger Karen said...

Trish, I will be praying for a special miracle this and blessings, Karen

At 2:57 PM , Blogger cindy/barron said...

Trish no thanks are needed for our love and prayers for you and yours, God indeed did choose you to fight this giant and we are all Gods children and it is our command from Him to pray, love, thank, and praise for all He has done and all He is about to do in little Ashleys life, because I believe He has somthing very special in store for all of you, we will just wait and pray. Barron & Cindy

At 4:17 PM , Blogger Tamara said...

Praying for you! In the most amazing way, your love for Ashley is speaking to all of us. Please know we are praying and loving you through this...God knew what He was doing, He shows us everyday in your posts!! Love & Prayers

At 4:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart is breaking and my prayers are going up. I love you, Grandma

At 5:09 PM , Blogger Jayme said...

I will be praying that God will renew your strengh and that Ashley will get some relief so that she can be a happy playful baby again. I also think that this weekend could be really good for you to get a small break and get to spend some time with your sweet Allie.

At 5:28 PM , Blogger Girl Raised in the South said...

Oh Trish, I'm sorry to hear you all are having such a rough, rough time. We'll keep praying. xoxoxo

At 5:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish, I have to tell you something. After reading your posts for the last several months and keeping up with Ashley, God knew exactly what he was doing when he chose you to be Ashley's mom. I do not know you but I can tell from what I read that you have more strength than even you realize. Keep having faith and the blessings will come even if in small doses. I pray for you and Ashley today that you will find the peace and comfort of his arms and that you will get the much needed rest that you both need to keep fighting. It is your love that keeps her wanting to fight. Don't ever give up on her or God. May God Bless you both today.

At 6:02 PM , Blogger Carey said...

Im praying for you both tonight. Hang in there, God knows what He is doing.

At 12:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you little Ashley Adams!


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