Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Morning Light

I hesitate to open our blinds this morning. I know it must be beautiful outside. I know this because I can see the light trying to break into our room through the cracks. I love most mornings. I love the thought of having another day to spend with my sweet Ashley Kate. I love knowing that all of the hurt and ugliness that I felt the need to confront is now wiped away and I have a new day with a fresh start. I love knowing that He has a plan for us today in this PICU. So you may be wondering why I hesitate to open those blinds and let all that this day has in store for us come rushing in. Let me just share with you that I am tired. I am really tired today! We had a long night. Ash was up fussing almost every two hours. I would try and bring her comfort. We spent precious time rocking each other in our chair, but eventually she would just want to lay down. She would lay down and fuss until her meds came. I would sit in the chair and pray for rest to come for my little one and for peace to come over her. She would drift off to sleep and then I would try to go back to sleep as well.

Need less to say I look a mess this morning. It has now been 123 days that I woke up in this PICU and all 123 days it has been my goal to be showered, dressed, hair done, and face applied before the doctors round. This is not always an easy task since their are mornings that I must wait in line to get into the only bathroom that houses the shower. This morning I decided I just didn't care. I actually slept in the clothes I wore yesterday and I am still wearing them as I sit and type at this moment. I know its gross, but hey I told you how tired I was. I did manage to brush my teeth, use mouthwash, wash my face and run a come through my hair but that was it. I boldly approached morning rounds in all my natural "beauty". I can't imagine what they must be thinking of me, but honestly the only thing I really care about today is getting a good, long nap. Have you ever attempted to maintain yourself for this long away from home, away from your beautician, away from your bathtub and bubble baths? Have you ever attempted to shave your legs in a public shower while people are standing in line and knocking on the door to use the bathroom? I promise you it is not easy. I look a mess. My hair needs color, my eyebrows need to find a professional with enough skill to create a shape out of them, my nails are horrible, and to mention my feet would be a sin. I need a pedicure! I promise I am not a vain person, but if my friends and family could actually see how much weight I have gained since I began eating in this cafeteria three meals a day they would not recognize me. I need professional help! All of this aside the only thing I can think about doing today is this: SLEEPING.

I do have goals though. Just not any I plan on implementing today. I hope to have my hair cut and colored, nails done, and eyebrows attacked by the time I fly to meet Allie in Dallas for the competition. As for the weight and wrinkle issue, my prayer is that my friends will just overlook that part of me and realize my priorities have changed. A lot!

Ash is now sleeping and I am afraid I MUST join her. Thank you for all of your encouragement. Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for your prayers. I pray you all have a blessed day with lots of time with your families. Take care and "good night". Trish


At 12:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hoping you have a wonderful day full of rest and relaxation...even if it is in yesterdays clothes....everyone deserves a day where you just stay in your pj's all day...does this count for you?
God bless....still praying....

At 12:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying...let us know how she is doing after rounds.... (= Should we mail to the hospital or to your apartment if we have something to send?

At 1:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wishing you a day of peaceful sleep and relaxation. Praying for you both. Hang in there.

At 1:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh Trish ~ i know the feeling. I am wondering if anyone has approached you about an in-hospital RMH (Ronald McD's house). TCH in Houston has them for NICU and PICU family members who aren't comfortable leaving the hospital. A clean bed and shower w/ privacy. If they haven't, it might be good to ask.

As for what those doctors might think during rounds... they most likely think you're so very wonderful. A mom who would, for 123+ days, sacrifice her comfort and simple pleasures for her child. They may even be inspired. I know that I am.

I count it a blessing to read about you, Ashley and the rest of your wonderful family each morning and evening, and to pray for you. I have no doubts that where you see wrinkles, a little extra baggage and some strayed eyebrows... someone nearby is seeing only your inner beauty. Much love and hugs!

At 3:59 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

I hope that you get a day of rest in today....I know how hard it was to stay in the hospital for even 3-4 days, let alone 120+. I also know it is hard being so far away from all of your family, we are praying throughout each and every day that Ashley is able to come home soon. You have handled it all with such beauty and grace. You can see the love and support for each other even with the miles between you. Ashley has been blessed an amazing family full of love.

I was flipping through a magazine and read this the other day and wanted to share it with you....

Faith is not believing God can, but knowing He will.

I hope we all continue to encourage you each and every you day. Remember, if God brings you to it, He will get you through it! (one of my favorite quotes) Take care of yourself and know many many prayers are being sent on your behalf!

Much love and prayers.

At 7:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish, You are beautiful inside is what is most important. I bet you look great without any makeup so quit beating yourself up. What is great is the fact that you are such a woman of faith and a wonderful Mom and wife. Don't worry about if the medical staff sees you without makeup. You have got to start getting some rest. If, it means sleeping a little more before the medical staff comes in and not putting on any makeup then girl, that is what you have to do for yourself and Ashley. Anyways, I hope you get some rest tonight. Our prayers are with you all. Love and blessings your way, Matt and Cindy Adams

At 8:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish....Hope you all have had a good day. Hope you have gotten some rest.

I've never met you but just from reading your post I can tell you are such a beautiful person - you are a child of God! I can also tell that you are an excellent mother and wife. That is all that matters!

Praying for all of you! God bless!

At 8:11 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

Trish, who you are inside has become so beautiful that your outside doesn't matter as much--even if you need your eyebrows done :)

At 8:27 PM , Blogger Ivey's Mom said...

Hope you had a very restfull nap. I can't imagine 123 days in the PICU with nurses rounds, meds, machines, a chair to sleep in, and missing your family. We have spent two months of Ivey's 9 in a hospital. It was excruciating, but I honestly can't imagine 123 days. And, we are withing about a hour of Atlanta, so it is driving distance. A long drive with sleep deprivation and nerves, but we can make it home. I hope when you sleep you dream sweet dreams about home and your family.
As for vainity-you have none. Wanting to feel normal makes you human. I pray you will take the time, even though it is cold, to take a walk or jog for your own sanity. Your true friends will see past the rest.
Love to Ashley,

At 8:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and your family are always in my thoughts.

With love,

Amanda D.


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