Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Some Days

Have you ever had one of those days when nothing seems to go right? Everything I planned to do today did not get done. Everything I attempted failed. All of my efforts were in vain as I bobbled from one task to another to another. By evening I decide to chunk all of my plans and just have a little fun doing something I hadn't done since last summer. A little game of basketball is just what I needed. So the teams were chosen and the whistle blew. Blake decided to take on me and Allie. I reminded him as he made shot after shot that I would tell him when I had won and the game would be over. He laughed and swooshed another past me. Even though my good intentions went by the way side, my day ended doing the most important thing I could have done. Hanging out with my kids and showing them that they were more important than that to do list.

I hope that tomorrow will be a better day for Ash as well. Today she has struggled. She has been vomiting for most of it and has not taken more than a ten minute nap. Each time she drifts off to sleep she begins to vomit again. She has been through more blankets and outfits today then she has all week. Nothing has been left unsoiled(including her daddy). She is happy, just having some yucky side effects. No fever, no stooling out, no other symptoms to cause me to panic or feel alarmed. Tomorrow we will be in Dallas for another round of chemo. She will also begin her 5 day stretch of very high dose steroids. I dread the next five days for her. When she receives the steroid at this level it makes her miserable. She gets grumpy and irritable. She becomes inconsolable and acts like she wants to crawl out of her skin. One of our oncologist told us to prepare to lose our hair along with Ash. Hers will fall out and ours will be pulled out because of the 5 day stretch of prednisone. I thought that tomorrow would be a short day at Children's, but they called this evening and told me she would be there approximately 6 to 7 hours. When you add another 5 hours of driving to that it makes for a really tough day for my Ashley. I am praying that she will be worn out from her lack of rest today and that she might sleep through most of tomorrow. That would be such a blessing.

To top of all of the things that went wrong today as I prepared to give meds and "plug" Ash in tonight I realized that I accidentally combined 2 different meds into one bottle when I thought I was combining two of the same trying to make more room in her med bag for the trip tomorrow. I just shook my head and thought to myself,"It just seems right that its not going to stop until I lay down and put an end to this day." When it came time to plug in Ash's feeding pump to charge the battery while we slept I realized that I left it in at Nans while working at the house today. While I was telling Dave about all the things that happened through out the day Blake spoke up and added, "and the Rangers lost too so add that to the list!" Now I get it, our beloved Texas Rangers have lost 3 games in a row and that is why the world is out of sorts for us. It is all beginning to make sense.

Needless to say I am ready to end this one and start fresh tomorrow. Dave and Ash are already in bed, but instead of sleeping I can hear them playing. I think its going to be a long night. Thanks so much for praying for us today. I would appreciate any prayers you would send to the Father for Ash tomorrow as she goes back to attack those cancer cells. I try to imagine the tumors shrinking as we sit and wait for her infusions to end. Good night. Trish


At 11:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry Trish for the phone call interruption during "meds" tonight! I am a little spontanious when it comes to seeing a new toy that I think that Ash NEEDS to have. (because I really NEED to help her play with it too!) I will pray that God will help you figure out the ooops I caused by distracting you earlier. I love you guys and I think that I may have to go shopping tomorrow to find that ball thing I saw on T.V. Sweet Dreams! I love you all so much! Call me when you're in Dallas tomorrow~ Love, Kathy

At 11:59 PM , Blogger Lee said...

Trish-Prayingn as you prepare for the terrible predisone period. We know first hand how bad it can be; Bob was on huge doses of IV solumedrol, then oral prednisone 2 yrs ago when he had ITP. It was not fun!! Praying God gives you a sense of calm in the mist of her irritability.

At 3:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying in Alabama!

At 5:28 AM , Blogger Alison said...


At 5:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will pray for you and Ash today as you both go through such a difficult day. I pray she will sleep and get the much needed rest. I do want to let you know I smile when I read and think about how you get to play and spend time with Blake and Allie. I know what all of that means to you. As much as I try with my girls I pray they enjoy our time the way I know yours enjoy time with you. However, my world gets out of sorts when I mess up decorating a cake or it doesn't bake right, instead of the Rangers loosing another game. Kathy's day seems to be out of sorts when the "Chambers" team looses to the "Bruner" team on Survivor. So I understand wanting to end a crazy day. However, I see the best in your day with the time spent with the kids. I love you all so much, please have a blessed day.


At 7:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for all of you today!

At 8:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

-Sending prayers your way from Michigan..

At 8:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't commented much lately, but I check this blog at least twice a day to stay updated.

Thank you for continuing to keep us posted. And your specific requests for prayer help us know what we need to pray for your family.

How thankful I am to our Heavenly Father for the daily blessings and new mercies He grants all of us...especially your family at this time.

Praying your day will go by fast, rest will be accomplished, and Ashley has the best possible experience she can have.

Kristi in Texas

At 10:26 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

I'm sorry your day has been rough and out of whack! I'm praying your trip to Dallas goes smoothly, and that she sleeps through the worst of it. Thanks for continuing to post, Trish. Each one is a ministry and a blessing :)

At 11:43 AM , Blogger ohAmanda said...

Still praying! When my dad went thru chemo we thought about the verse in Mark 16 that says "and these signs will accompany those who believe...and when they drink deadly poison it will not hurt them at all..." That chemo is a poison to the good and bad cells. I just believe it's won't hurt Ashley's good cells at all--only cure and shrink the bad cancer cells!

At 12:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish--praying for you and Ash today. Will be praying for you as you go through the steroid period. Steroids are an "evil" necessity. Hope this finds you having a much better day!

I love you,


At 1:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love that verse that Amanda suggested. I think I'll pray that one with her. Of course, I'll also be praying for safe travel to and from Dallas, and a day that seems shorter to Ashley through much sleep and rest for her little body. I wish I could see her soon. But I certainly wouldn't risk her health to do it. Hopefully after this phase of chemo, she will be strong enough for a visit. Hope your day improves - we have experienced "Murpy's Law" the past couple of days too - from another stolen identity crisis to a car wreck. Some weeks are just like that, I guess. But Easter is coming! There is nothing but HOPE in that!!!


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