Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


The original intent of this blog was to keep our family and friends updated on Ashley's physical condition. After a short period of time it became apparent to us that many people we don't know and have never met were captivated by Ashley's Story and many began praying for her and our family. The blog became a great source of strength for our family. Trish spent many months living 700 miles away from her family and she drew strength from your presence. Knowing that God has used the blog to help tell Ashley's Story to so many and that so many of you are praying for our family has indeed touched our hearts and we thank each and every one of you. At this point we do not know what direction the blog will take. We will pray and seek God's will in our life and for this blog. I know no matter what we do there will be some who will think we are making the wrong decision. Please know that we are well aware that the vast majority of you come here because you have come to love a tiny Gherkin just as we have. We have been humbled by your time spent here. I thank you for your prayers for Ash, for Trish and for our family.




At 11:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sending Love and Prayers during this time while you are seeking the direction of this blog. My how I would personally miss reading everyday how Ashley is doing and getting to see just how open and honest Trish has been with all of us as we have walked this journey with your family. Your faith has never wavered and I have grown so much from this journal. May God continue to work in the life of Ashley...I pray for her as if I really knew her. Because you have shared her story with many....we all have grown to love and adore her. May His Love pour over you tonight! Terry

At 4:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Trish. Ahh Trish! Honey, I knew that last anonymous comment hurt I guess I just didn't realize how much. We love you Trish. We love your family. Thank you for being so open and raw. Judy

At 6:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love you and your family and will continue to pray regardless of your decision (though we love the updates). Because of you sharing your hearts with us, our family has Ashley in our hearts and no matter what, she'll stay. God Bless and may God give you a clear direction filled with peace!~Tambi in WV

At 7:39 AM , Blogger Lolly said...

Please don't let one negative person take away all of the "God Stories" that you have shared about Ashley and your families lives. You have no idea how many people you have touched, but I certainly understand how one "oh s***" wipes out 1000 "atta boys". This "Godly" person is bashing you for being vulnerable about your feelings, but also showing how great our God is and how He has done such miracles in your lives. If God was not in the big middle of it, there is no way you could have the joy and peace that you do. It seems like the "Godly" person is attacking God for the work that He has done in your life. You are human and just because you have a relationship with your Heavenly Father does not mean you will not hurt or experience tough times. What that means is that He is there with us as we go through these tough times.

Another interesting thing is that this person has to add that it's not just her opinion. When people go negative, they always want to make it look like they have lots of others on their side. Remember that God is the only one that matters. You have who you need on your side. Keep your eyes on Him because He is all that matters and continue to love your sweet family with all of your heart.

At 8:25 AM , Blogger TheRagan3 said...

It has been a while since I have checked in on Ashley and her journal. I have truly missed seeing how the Father is working in her life and all of yours. To read that comment left by anonymous stung me like it had been directed at me. I can understand the hurt you must feel from something so spiteful. As a mother who has experienced the pain, sorrow and yes fear of watching a child hurt - my heart breaks for you. This person hasn't walked a mile in your shoes. Maybe if they had they'd understand the "real-ness" of your emotions and the raw-ness of your posts. I do not understand how someone can say that you hide behind being a Godly woman. It's not hiding... it's where we find our comfort and solace in a world where there is little, esp. with a sick child.
Trish - keep going on the path that the Father has set you on. There are 1,000 people who love you and want to experience God thru Ashley's journal - to the 1 ignorant and uninformed person who leaves posts like that one.
My Abraham and I have loved participating with you as you love on your Ashley.
Praying for you and loving you tho we've never met -

At 8:38 AM , Blogger Dawn said...

Wow. I went back and read the comment you were referring to. I'm embarrassed for this person who is hiding behind a cloak they call "religion". I'm sorry for you.

I for one, would hate to see this blog go. You have challenged my own faith time and time again. Your love for your children and your husband inspires me with my own family.

So on that note I'm going to make a practical suggestion. You can add Haloscan to your computer to easily help you moderate the comments. Using Haloscan, you are able to completely block the ISP of a user who is being vicious. I installed it and I'm no computer whiz, so I know you guys could. It would help you tremendously and give you relief from this poster.

Love to you all in Him,

At 9:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Trish, David and Family,
Your Blog has ministered to so many people in the last year. i've read the blog everyday... And the comments from the majority are of how you lift us up and how your family's story has challanged so many in their walk with our heavenly father... Could it be that satan sees what this blog is doing and how it is binding so many people from different faiths together with one purpose in mind? Could it be that satan is scared to death of this blog? So what better way to stop "this" unity and discourage you from posting your daily blog. Once the blogs stop, then the unity is broken. I beg of you not to stop your blogging!!! If there are those out there who want to hide behind their own insecuritys, then let them. God will deal with them. But for the majority of us who look forward each day to your blog and little Ashley's story, I am praing that you will continue in this journey of bloging so that we can share your testamony with you. Let u rejoice with the victories and pray with you and for you in your vallies. You have become a part of my family and I would hate to miss out in this great miracle God has given to all of us. Love and Prayers, in the name of Jesus, please help Trish and this family during this trial.

At 10:52 AM , Blogger Tamara said...

We love you in Tennessee...praying God's Will...just know we will miss you DEARLY if it is to be limited to just your family...but our family understands...if you are ever in need of anything in Tennessee or Texas (we get down there at least once a year)...I am there with bells on!

At 10:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I'm still praying and reading here in Alabama.

God knows your heart and so do we. I love your family and draw inspiration from you Trish. Thank you for being honest. Please continue blogging and don't let anonymous take that away from you, us or Ash.

Blessings on you and your family. You can do this. We are proud of you and your spirit.

At 11:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ones,

Please know that you've got a large group of people praying for Ashley and all of you in Kalamazoo, Michigan which is almost a whole country away from you wonderful home state of Texas. The only way we were challenged to pray was because of this blog. You have so many people you will never know this side of heaven lifting your very specific needs before the Father because you've so willingly shared your life with us. We may be total strangers, but we're family in Christ. I hope you'll continue to keep us posted by way of this blog, but even if you choose not too, we'll keep praying for your family.

Blessings and love to all of you,

At 1:19 PM , Blogger Amy T said...

Love to your whole family. Only you know what God is leading you to do. We will pray with you and for you to follow His will, not ours. God bless you. And thank you for being open and honest and inspiring.

At 1:54 PM , Blogger Mrs. C said...

Praying that God gives you clear direction is all the decisions you make on a daily basis...including this blog. I know you seek Him first - you always have. Would I miss reading about your family and Ashley? YES! But as another commenter stated - only God's opinion matters. He is the One that we are held accountable to. I know that I would continue to pray for Ashley every time she comes to mind - whether it is prompted by the blog or not.

At 3:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your pain, Trish and David. We love you & hope that God will give you strength and wisdom. Although I look forward to the daily blogs, I will respect and understand any decision that you need to make. Thank you for keeping us informed and allowing us to be part of Ashley's Story. My prayers and love are with you! Regina D.

At 5:02 PM , Blogger Sunshine said...

Praying for you guys - for the pending trip, the health and well being of each of you and for wisdom for you guys as you seek God. I love this blog and even though I probably will never ever meet you have fallen in love with this family. You all have blessed me and are each so precious. May God heal any wounds inflicted by hurtful and critical words...

whether you decide to keep the blog or not my family and countless others will continue to pray! love y'all! Sunshine

At 12:09 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

Dave and Trish,
I will be praying that God directs your decision, no matter what that is. I would have to say that I agree with several people here; I read these entries daily and would miss reading your thoughts. Your family feels like part of mine now. My parents down in Houston get to hear about Ashley's progress; I shared with my dad about Blake getting to meet Pudge. It brought tears to my eyes. I hope you are encouraged by all this love; lolly was right when she said one negative can outweigh 1000 positives. I know I'm not the only one looking forward to the day that Ashley's cancer-free! Even though many of us have never met you. Despite all of this, I know you will seek God in this decision; it is yours to make. We all love you both so much. --Kelly

At 4:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have just stumbled upon your definitely need to not allow anonymous comments any more. that is ridiculous for someone to say such pious comments as she did....please do not believe it or let it eat away at you as the enemy would love.
with love,
lacy usry


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