Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



Its almost here. In just four short weeks we will celebrate our Ashley Kate's second birthday. The plan? Clear scans from Omaha = a trip to visit our family and a birthday celebration that beats all past birthday celebrations. I am in full party planning mode. I have lists upon lists of details, phone calls, dead lines, menus, and the like. The invitations will be sent this week. The guest list includes each and every family member (and a few old family friends who feel like family) who haven't seen our sweet Ashley in months or years or ever. All my nieces and nephews who have so diligently prayed for their cousin will be there and I get to hug and kiss on them all! I am so excited!

The party will be held outdoors so that Ash's exposure to germs( like coughs or sneezes that like to send airborne things into her lungs) will be reduced. Open, outside air is good for Ash. Indoor, shared air is not so good.

Along with my party planning ideas I have been wrestling with a gift idea. Not just any gift, but a special gift for our baby gherkin. What in the world do we give to her for this special occasion. I've been to the stores. I've searched the isles. Nothing jumps out at me and says, "This my sweet girl is for you." I've struggled with tears( sorry, but that's the truth) as I realized (I think for the first time )that the age "appropriate" toys for a two year old are not "appropriate" for my Ashley. She is not even close to being able to play or operate anything in that age group of toys. Ash still plays(and quite well I might add) with the very first toys we bought for her. The very same rattles she was given her first Christmas are the ones she plays with every day. Those link a doos are a breeze for her to chew on and shake. All of her mastered toys are those that are for 0-6 months. Buying anything age appropriate would be unrealistic for her at this time. Oh, I don't think it will always be this way. I'm just sharing that for now, at 2 years old, we are still very, very behind the rest of the toddlers. Anyway, I don't think its a store bought gift I want to give her on her special day. I have an idea, but it will require me to sit and think and re-live the good(which kind of excites me to share with her), the bad(which is very difficult for me to put into words), and the ugly(which are private pieces of her story that I have always planned on writing down for her). Here's my idea. I want to begin her scrapbook. For those of you who knew me before the birth of my Ashley you are probably in shock and gasping to find out that I haven't even started it, but again that is the honest truth.

So, I think that tomorrow I will begin. I have four weeks. I can do this. I am a power cropper. The building of the book won't be that difficult. Its the journaling that is going to be emotionally draining. I only have 10,980 something (realistic number!!!) to sort through and print for her book. Can you even imagine how many pictures that is? I have always taken lots and lots of photos, but since Ash's birth I have REALLY taken photos. I have quite a task to accomplish, but it just seems like its the right gift and the right time for me to do it.

Dave and I are fixing to slip out to the office to do a little sorting of those pictures. Nan is going to sit with the kids as we spend a couple of hours getting me a head start on our gift to her. I am so excited to see what words her daddy and her brother and her sister are going to share with her. I love to read what they journal in our scrapbooks and I know that someday our Ashley is going to treasure this gift. Thank you for being here today. Thank you for your continued prayers. Thank you for making me feel as though we are old friends. I love you guys and I love knowing that you love our sweet Ashley Kate. Good night and God bless. Trish


At 10:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a special day.... TWO .....How GOOD is GOD? All that she has gone through to make her appearance at this grand function..... (It won't matter when she is in Elementary school...Jr. High...High School....that she wasn't able to do the 2 year age appropriate toys at 2.....she will catch up in God's most....PRECIOUS...time... as will my we will savor every get to those heart wrenching.....drop to your knees ...Praising our Creator...Milestones.

I think your gift idea is going to be the most precious gift your little gerkin could get this year... You spur me get mine caught up....(you started me on the scrap booking adventure by the way....) I love it ...but have not devoted the time to it I should & am desparately behind.

Anywho.... Praying as always. She will get God's time....& I believe God will give her another gift Omaha... ( I am praying for a clear scan....CANCER FREE) ...Praising him as I pray for that.

At 10:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The scrap book is a great idea.
You know, I have lots of pictures, too, yet very few "pictures" because lately they are all on the computer and not printed out!

I understand somewhat about the fact that Ashley isn't hitting the mile markers for her age. I have children who haven't always done that, either. But don't let that deprive you of one ounce of the joy of her journey. There are so many unique joys to a child's unique timetable. Man's measurements are just man's way of trying to keep track: averages, statistics. God can keep track wonderfully without them. She's not a moment behind on His time line.

At 10:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dee Dee in nca?? Should be NC, sorry.

At 11:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a special gift for such a special girl. Have fun and I know this will be a gift she will forever tresure.

At 7:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and praying for you all today!
The scrapbook idea is beautiful-- I am sure it will be the loveliest gift when you have finished it, and Ashley and your whole family will cherish it. Thank you so much for sharing her story with us. We love you.

At 10:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an avid scrapbooker, I think that will be the perfect gift for Ashley! I can just picture her when she is older looking at the pictures. It will be priceless!

Praise God for "2"! I can relate on the milestones. It is hard sometimes, you don't want to compare but I think that it is human nature. She will get there...God knows her timetable and will be right there along with her!

If you use Creative Memories products to scrapbook - let me know. I used to be a consultant and would love to send you things that you might need. I still have quit a bit of product left.

My miracle Kate and I are praying as always!


At 3:40 PM , Blogger Sunshine said...

Wow - what a gift???? That will be so precious and it will mean SO much to her as she grows and changes and continues on her journey that God has mapped out for her. You are an incredible mom - have a great time scrapbooking - much love and prayers coming your way! Sunshine

At 3:41 PM , Blogger Sunshine said...

OK OOPS - instead of '???' I meant '!!!' - don't know how I mixed that up - LONG DAY I guess :) Sorry - Sunshine

At 4:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope we all can be "invited" to it when you post pictures of the happy day! It will be wonderful. I am sure it will be a day to remember. Praying all goes well, Jen

At 4:32 PM , Blogger Amy T said...

How exciting! BTW, I saw the Tarheels at WalMart yesterday. I didn't know if Blake was there, and thought it would be kinda creepy if I walked up and asked since I don't really know you in person! Anyway, when I saw them fundraising, I of course thought of y'all and prayed that Ashley was doing well.


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