Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Face to Face

I am finding myself forced to face many different things this week. Yesterday morning I had a breakdown. I held on to the tears for most of the day and this morning out they tumbled all over our surgeon during rounds. What brought this latest emotional experience on ? The date. Pure and simple. Yesterday morning I woke and realized that today would be November 1. You may be wondering what that has to do with anything in life, but in my life it marks the beginning of our holiday season. Guess where I'm not? Home. Home is where I have to be to make the "magic" of our holiday happen.

I you knew me in real life (and maybe even if you really know me through Ashely's story) then you know how much I LOVE Christmas. I do. I really, really do love it. I love to have the house set in motion, stockings hung, candles glowing, trees decorated, wreaths fastened to the doors and windows, music playing, and plans in motion for a magical holiday season which all begins on November 1. I love the holiday so much that I have been known to travel and decorate my sisters trees and homes for them just as early as they can possibly stand it in years past as well. Before you get to crazy on me for decorating before Thanksgiving let me try and explain myself. Early on in Blake and Allison's lives I ran a home buisiness. Every year for 6 years I hosted a holiday open house in our home the first weekend in November requiring our home to look, feel and smell like the holidays. My kids grew up this way and they don't know any different. For me it has always been a win-win situation, because as a kid I hated having to wait until the day after Thanksgiving to decorate something I loved so much. So the "big" kid in me made it different in our home. Christmas is too wonderful to cram into a brief 4 week period. I love nothing more than sitting up late at night and watching the lights on our tree. It gives me such a peaceful feeling.

So anyway, here I sit in Omaha with our sweet Ashley Kate(who I think looks amazing today!) 700 miles away from our home, our Christmas trees, and our family. My heart is being forced to stand face to face with the reality of this holiday season for the 3rd year in a row. This morning all I could say in rounds is that I really, really want to go home with our Ashley. I tried to hold back the tears, but big, fat, warm, wet tears fell to my cheeks. I don't think our team knows what to do with me. I can't blame them. My own husband doesn't know what to do with me. The calendar says that the children will be out of school in 16 days for the Thanksgiving holiday. I want Ash and I to be in that carpool line waiting on them.

Ashley Kate's feeds are at 25cc an hour. She is doing well. Her stool output is coming down and that tells us that her bowel is tolerating the feedings. I am encouraged by her progress. Today as we had tummy time I laid down in front of her face to face to encourage her to move. She became so tickled that all she could do was giggle at me. That made me giggle and the two of us laid there face to face smiling ear to ear at the silliness of each other. I would attempt to show her how to push herself up by demonstrating with my arms and adding a grunt for special effects. She thought this was hysterical. All I could do was laugh back at my little lump and thank God for who she is. I love Ashley Kate. I love every part of her. What a gift it was to be on the floor face to face with this amazing little one who brings us so much joy.

Face to face. Its not always a beautifu experience. Sometimes it is painful to stand there and face what it is He puts directly in front of us. Today it was both for me. Painful and beautiful. Painful to see where we are again this time of the year, but beautiful because of who I get to be here with.


At 4:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish ~ God loves to give us our hearts desires, and with the progress that Ashley is making you just might be in that carpool line waiting for the kids!!! It is a real possiblity. I love seeing how God is working in Ash with her tolerating her feeds!!! He is truly amazing!!!!! Continuing to keep you all in our prayers.

At 5:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Trish, I am still praying that you'll be home for Thanksgiving! God is bringing her through this and making her stronger every day! I pray that there will be no more setbacks and you will be heading home very soon!!!

At 5:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish, Awww, You need a big ole hug, sending one your way. With the baby steps Ashley is making, maybe real soon she will be taking giant steps right towards home. Will put that right at the top of my prayer list. I had to laugh reading your post of lying on the floor with Ashley during tummy time. Don't you wish you could read her mind as she giggled? Was she saying, this mommy of mine is so funny and silly? Whatever she thought, she sounds like she sure enjoyed it.:) Does she realize how she makes her mommys heart go ker-thump with nothing but pure love for her? What a very blessed little girl. Praying for a good night for the two of you, praying that on Christmas morning Ashley will awake in her own home in her own bed looking up into the faces of the family who loves her soooo much.Prayers continued for you all. God Bless..Karen.

At 5:29 PM , Blogger Tamara said...


At 6:10 PM , Blogger Amy said...

I can only imagine that Nov. 1st just put you over the edge. I am so sorry that you're still not home together as a family. I'm praying for a reunion that is crazy wonderful for all of you... and praying that it is not too far away. hugs from longview!

At 6:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trish, this post broke my heart for you because of how close it hit to home. We had NONE of the "fluff" of the holidays two years ago and even with all of us together and trying hard to concentrate on what really matters about Christmas anyway, it was still sad because the kids' eyes told me something was missing. I will be praying for you. This is not some silly little thing. I am praying that like the last time Ashley went home last Spring, the doctors will just one day decide out of no where that it is time to let you go home. (Remember you posted last time even a week before how they said it would still be quite a while?) The carpool line stuff spoke to me too. It is bar none my favorite time of day when I pick them up and take the long way home just to hold them captive. And I hope you are experiencing that so much sooner than the doctors are saying. It happened before......just like Paul reminding the Saints at Somewhere about all that God had done in their past to encourage them to be hopeful again. That is my prayer for you.

At 6:21 PM , Blogger Holly said...

Crying tears for you, friend...

Being from Marshall, I understand the Christmas thing (not to mention...our names are Chris-Smith and Holly :) Hee Hee!)

Praising for the giggles and praying a miracle over your lives for November!

At 6:23 PM , Blogger Holly said...

Oh, and did anybody agree to the idea of praying every night at 9pm?

I think some pumped up in Christ prayers are just the answer to your dreams!

At 6:50 PM , Blogger Elizabeth S said...

I am going to start praying specifically that you will be in that carpool line when Blake and Allie get out of school for Thanksgiving!

At 6:50 PM , Blogger Elizabeth S said...

I will pray every night at 9. I think that's a great idea!

At 8:19 PM , Blogger Sunshine said...

I don't know how this idea will go over - so just ignore it if it is not something that works for you! I read this earlier and have been thinking over the post and praying for you and this idea came to me. Is there any way that you could use your awesome talent and passion for the season to decorate some of the rooms there in which the parents are willing but have no way to do it themselves? Either because of lack of money or with the emotional turmoil of having a sick baby on their hands - maybe they would like to be at home for the holidays too and you could maybe bring the holidays to them. You are so precious and I am praying that you do get to come home - Sunshine

At 8:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've continued praying every night at 9 and will keep it going with the specific prayer being that you two are home BEFORE Thanksgiving! God IS listening! Praising Him tonight for His goodness to Ashley and her improvement in so many ways! Love and Hugs, Grandma

At 8:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you Trish - and all your emotions, and desires, and love for your family, etc. I will be praying for your wish. Lou Ann

At 10:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless you Trish!

At 10:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God bless you, Trish, through this hard time. Praying she will go home soon, but not before her body is ready.

At 11:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rest assured that God has a perfect plan and in that plan everything (and I mean EVERYthing) works for his purpose and Glory. As much as your heart desires to be home for your family's special time, this may be God's way of changing your heart to desire something different, or He may bless you and Ashley to be home just in time. Just keep the faith girlie! You are growing closer to Him by trusting,obeying and seeking the will of God. I pray that God blesses you above and beyong what your heart can desire. I also pray that He gives you comfort and wisdom through these days of trials. You are a wonderful mother and woman of faith and you ARE parenting those children who are back home, more than you know. Right now Allison knows (even though she misses her mommy) what unconditional motherly love is by your example. Your son Blake is watching his father take on unconventional roles without hesitation and he also knows what a kind of woman it takes to be an amazing mother. Sure they want things "normal" again, but God is revealing so much to them through this, and preparing them for what He has in store for them. May God Bless you as you are blessing so many of us. As always I will continue to pray for you and Ashley. In God's love, Jessica, South Carolina

At 1:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, Trish...I know how hard it is to have the holidays completely altered. But the good Lord has never failed to teach me something new, show me something spectacular that I would have missed underneath tradition. I trust that if you aren't home for the holidays, that He will supply you with bountiful blessings you will embrace.

The story of Ashley giggling during tummy time had me smiling from ear to ear. I can just picture the two of you on the tiled floor, head to head, giggling at one another in that special language that speaks volumes that only you two can understand.

Prayers continue for you all...

At 1:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in! Prayer at 9:00 every night with a prayer goal of home for the Thanksgiving carpool and in safe and rapidly perfecting health. With no backsets. Let's do it!

I can't help or I would be there, but can I ask your sisters to have a pay back year for you? If they read this, I am asking them to go to your home and start the basic decorations. They know where you set most of them out and the kids can help, can they not? Time to pay our Trish back for her former blessings, right? After all, what are family and friends for? To stand in the gaps. I will be praying for God to fill this desire of your heart. I know it won't be like you doing it, but until you can, this just might do.

I firmly believe Ashly will be eating at home on Thanksgiving this year. Praise the Lord. That's my Jesus!

Trisha, I would be so proud to have a daughter like you. You are everything that is good and noble in a Godly woman. Bless you.

At 5:22 AM , Blogger Julie said...

Praying you get home soon. Hang in there!!!


p.s. I am already planning my decorations. I don't wait either. I think it is great you take such joy in this season.

At 5:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for all of you today (and every day). This post really touched my heart-- these next months can really be such a special time. I had been so looking forward to November 1st as well! Our last two holiday seasons had been nothing like the lovely, joyous times my family and I used to have... they were full of blessing and growth in Christ, but also of separation and heartache-- and not at all full of the light and beauty and festive joy that you describe so wonderfully. It has been my hope that this year we can recover some of that, and it is my new hope and prayer that you and Ashley will be able to do the same with your dear family. Know that there are so many who pray for all of you and love you dearly. God Keep.

At 6:52 AM , Blogger Alicia said...

I'll be praying each night at 9 specifically for that carpool line. And if anyone organizes a decorating trip to Longview, let me know! I'd be there.

At 6:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cried with you as I read your post. I pray you are home for the holidays, it is my favorite time of year also. My daughter was born on Christmas day and that just adds to the joy I fill at Christmas. 4 weeks is so short to me too. Continuing to pray for you and your family

At 7:14 AM , Blogger preechrboy said...

We didn't decorate until after Thanksgiving? No wonder I have this instinctive urge to fight off Rae until the last of the Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie is tossed, and the final Turkey/Stuffing is gone. It's all becoming very clear to me now...

I love you Trish. Besides, who says you can't decorate the Hospital Room on November 1st? :) After all, you've got a GREAT present to show to everyone in that building. SO GET BUSY!


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