Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Going Home

Do not adjust your screen. You read it correctly. We have been given the discharge orders to go HOME and not to the other hospital. Ashley Kate and I are currently waiting for our rental car to be delivered, our TPN and pumps, meds, and then we are outta here!!!

Sometime in the next day or two we will arrive in the drive of our little yellow house in Texas. Our children will be inside waiting and my best friend will be there to greet me. I can not put into words the excitement we feel at this moment.

It will be a long drive. 14 hours drive time all the while adjusting pumps for feedings, TPN, and fluid replacements. Its not easy, but its also not impossible. We have done it before. Just me and Ash on the road working our way towards home.

She still has a long, long way to go. She remains stuck at 35ccs of formula per hour with 30 of TPN running continuously. We need to get up to 65 of formula before turning off the TPN. Slow and steady is proving to be her course action. What a journey! I believe in her. She has done this time and time again and only gets better and better after each setback. I know that in time she will get back to where she was a month or so ago.

More than anything today I am amazed at the hand of God in our lives. His protection over our tiny miracle baby and the way He works through our team of doctors still amazes even after 3 years. I am truly humbled to know He love me, loves my baby, and loves my family. Wow. He is good. Even when things aren't the way I think they should be and even when things don't go the way I thought they would I still believe that He is good.

Please, please keep us in your prayers as we travel along unfamiliar roads on our journey home.


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