Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Almost Ready

The car is here. I'm all packed up. Ashley Kate is napping. All I need is a car seat(which will be borrowed from one of the nurses once she gets off of work) and we will be on our way. Tonights drive should take us between 7 and 8 hours. Then we get to sleep. Tomorrow's drive is around 6 hours. Then we get to lay those burdens down at our front door and step inside to where our world becomes right again.

As I pulled the rental car into the parking garage tears formed in my eyes. God is so good to us. I'm so grateful to be headed home again and I can't help but cry each time I find myself on the outside of this hospital with our little girl. This is truly a crazy, blessed life we are living. Tomorrow night I will be tucking Blake, Al, and Ash into bed and then climbing into mine next to the most amazing person I know. I can't wait to let all the worry and all the stress melt away as I snuggle up close. Home feels so, so good.

Ashley Kate still has lots of healing to do. When we left before Christmas she was on no TPN and full feeds of 80mls an hour. Tonight we leave on 24 hour continuous TPN and only 30mls of feeds an hour. Despite an injured bowel she looks amazing and is the sweetest girl you've ever seen. She has signed and communicated more with her nurses this stay then she ever has. Even giving a "high five" to one of them yesterday before she left the room. As always our nursing care has been amazing and these girls have become some very good friends. I'm truly thankful for those that God placed in our path as she works her way towards healing.

My hope is for a long stay in our home this year. Nothing special has to happen, just allow us to stay home, stay together, and stay healthy. Our longest stay ever was last year for 7 and 1/2 months and I'm ready to beat that record this year. She's never happier then when we walk through the door of that little yellow house. Her eyes light up and a smile spreads across her face as she realizes that she's home again and their will be no "owies" while inside of those walls.

I can't wait to get there. I guess I'll start loading the car as she finishes her nap so we will be ready to roll when the car seat arrives. Have a good night. I'll visit with you guys tomorrow evening. Take care. Trish


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