Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



"Yeah, I know I did it"

For the first time in her whole 4 years, 5 months, and 7 days Ashley Kate STACKED 2 blocks on top of each other! She did it. She was asked to put them on top of each other and although she did not want to do it once she heard that if she would they would be all finished working she begrudgingly did it. I KNEW she understood. I KNEW she COULD do it if SHE wanted to. I just knew it. After years and years of "failed" and "unable to complete task" marks on her evaluation she showed that yes she can stack blocks she just doesn't see the need to stack blocks. I could have cried. I fought back the tears and whispered, "That is huge. So huge." Then the smile that had appeared on my heart appeared across my face as well.

This past Friday she amazed us all as she picked up marbles and put them IN a bottle. Again, we have seen the marks on evaluations for years that told us that she couldn't do this. For Dave and I to sit back and watch her do it so easily was more than amazing. The JOY in our hearts over watching her accomplish such a simple task! She can use a pincer grasp. We always knew she could. She just hadn't shown any of her therapists before. But on this day she was showing off and she put those marbles in that bottle over and over and over again. Putting things "in" has never been high on her priority list. Taking them out? Has always been fun.

We are seeing progress. The hours and hours of therapy are worth it. I"m not sure that stacking blocks and picking up marbles are really that important in life, but I do know that listening to instruction and following it IS. I do know that comprehension and understanding ARE.

"Whats the big deal?"

Our sweet Ashley is getting there. She is. Slow and steady wins the race. Right? Again last week our therapist(Ms. Sue) reminded me that if she's walking and talking and eating at 7 or at 10 or at 15 is it going to matter to me that she didn't do it at 4? NO, it won't matter one single bit. I'm so proud of this little girl. I'm so grateful for her. I'm so honored to be known as her mom. IN HIS TIME.


Father, thank you for my daughter. For her life, for her stability, for her growth. Thank you for blessing our home with her. Thank you for the time you have gifted us with. I know that without YOU she would not be here, would not be with us, would not be ours. All I know to say to you is Thank you.


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