Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Change of Plans

The meeting with the team is not going to happen. Its more than disappointing knowing that Dave has such limited time to spend here. I understand schedule conflicts, I really do, but its important for us to have the opportunity to sit and discuss options, plans, etc. So, no one is available to talk to us today while Dave is in town. The surgeon on rounds did agree to give us a few moments to visit with him one day over the weekend. Still its not going to be a collective group with clear direction that we had hoped for. We are disappointed, its the life of our youngest daughter on the line and our time may be limited with her. We need to figure out how to best spend our days to give her quality time with family. That's all.

Oh, by the way, the infection in Ashley's wounds?...gram negative rods. Yeah, its the ugly ones. Not going to be easy to keep it from entering the catheter and spreading to her blood stream. Its about to get ugly. God has His work cut out for Him on this one. Its more than disappointing to see that it went unaddressed for several days and now this is what we have oozing out of holes in my 4 year olds body. My stomach hurts over this. It really does. The infectious process has begun.


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