Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



Just a few of my favorite moments of Ash snapped on my camera this weekend. I try and take a photo of her everyday. I don't want to forget a moment of her life.

There's just something about this little girl of ours that evokes such emotion in my heart. I love her so very much. She is so, so sweet.

After a very emotional week, a struggle between my head and my heart, fighting the urge to look to tomorrow but realizing if I did I would miss out on her todays, and lots of tears, the weekend had an intentional slowed pace to it and I loved every moment of it. Ashley Kate is a very loved little girl, and the best part about our life is that she loves us back. With every part of her almost 6 year old heart. I love that about her. I love being loved by her. I love her.


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