Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



Blake has a bacterial infection that invaded through a break in his skin in an area of his elbow that is affected by Eczema. It looks very, very similar to EB, but it is not. The outside layer of his skin is being eaten away. Its blistering, opening, and oozing. Very painful.

For the first time in his entire life he is taking an antibiotic, a steroid, a pain medication, and using a steroid cream. Very new territory for him and for us. Blake has never even taken so much as infant Tylenol! We are working very hard to figure out a nutritional plan to help settle the Eczema. We are very hopeful we can keep the infection from spreading to his left arm. There are 3 small breaks in the skin on his left, but currently it is not blistering or painful and the doctor does not think it is yet infected. They did warn that it could be spread to it by simply scratching it.

He is currently resting. He is not going to school today, but hopes he can handle it tomorrow. I'm not sure if he will be able to or not.

Dave spoke to Blake's coach early this morning and he was very understanding. We are grateful for his reaction. I think it is making missing the game and possibly the tournament this weekend more bearable for him.

Our hope is that in 48 hours we will begin to see some healing and progress. If not, the doc would like to see him in the office Friday morning. Your prayers are very appreciated. Thank you so much for loving our family.


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