Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Missing my sweet Girl

I'm on the road tonight with Blake and have been away from our sweet Ash since Friday morning.  While I wouldn't trade this time and the memories being made chasing his dreams I do miss Ashley Kate so very much.  I have a lot of time to sit and think between games and I found myself remembering all the amazing things Ash has experienced in her little life.  As the memories flood over me I grabbed a pen and scribbled my list as fast as I could so as not to forget a moment of them.  I've held on to this list for a couple of days now and the smile that spreads across my heart is so warm and I feel so incredibly grateful that I thought it might warm you hearts too.  So I'm going to share just a little of my list with you tonight.  Its been a great life and God has been so very good to us:)

My sweet Ash...

Went to the top of a mountain and felt the cool breeze blowing

Looked out across an ocean

Wiggled her little toes into the sand

Tasted a snowflake on her tongue

Heard the sweet sounds of a mockingbird

Napped under the shade of an oak tree

Felt the wind blow through her hair while taking those long drives she loves so much

Sat on top a horse and trotted around the arena

Listened to the crow of a rooster

Has been covered in kisses from her big sister... I know how good that must feel

Was warmed by the rays of the sun across her face

Been tucked in under a pile of quilts and drifted off to sleep to the sweet sounds of holiday music

Seen the glow of 7 candles on top of a birthday cake

High fives from her big brother

Stared at a sky full of stars and reached as far as her little hands could reach trying to touch them

Been wrapped in the embrace of her daddy's arms

Covered by the prayers of a thousand saints and believers as they petition her Creator for His protection over her

Played in the sprinklers

Threw out the first pitch of a ballgame:)

Had the cold rain fall across her sweet face and run off her cheeks

Gone swimming in a pool of sparkly blue water

She's met Cinderella and sat on Santa's lap

Felt the unconditional, never ending, undying, love of a mommy

Stood at the very edge of this life and fought her way back again

Survived the unthinkable and continues to survive every single day

My list goes on and on and on...I add a little to it each day as I remember all the good times and some of the bad too.  What blesses me the most is that I was chosen to accompany her on this journey she's on and I get to be the one who witnesses each moment up close and personal right along with her.  I'll never feel deserving of her, but I'll always feel grateful.  Especially on these nights I spend away from her.  Just 5 more days, 5 more games, and then I'll travel home to see her for a night or two.  Can't wait!


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