Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Big things come in Little Packages

I received good news after the ultrasound of Ashley's lungs this afternoon. The pocket of fluid in the left lung is showing to be smaller than they expected it to be yesterday. Yeah! I feel more confident that the medicine will be able to move this amount of fluid out and allow her to breathe on her own in the coming days. This evening we do not feel that they will need to place a chest tube in Ash. I am so relieved! We have not made any progress on her vent settings today, but we are hopeful to go down on the rate after the 6:00 blood gas. The plan is to go slow and steady and allow for her to rest and adjust between each change. I am praying that this will be a successful plan and that she may be breathing on her own by Monday. Ash has been sedated and has slept most of today. Our nurse this afternoon has done a fabulous job taking care of Ash. I love the nursing staff here in Omaha. Most of them are warm and wonderful people. I so appreciate the friendship of these women.

This evening while I have sat next to Ashley's bed I began to sing her a Christmas song I learned years ago called "Big things come in Little Packages". The words to this song seemed to sum up Ashley's life. I giggled to myself as I got to the part in the song where it talks about being "easy to wrap, it just takes a snap! Some ribbon and a teeny, tiny bow". I am afraid her nurses would have to disagree with me on this part because as we struggle to change Ash's diaper, her ostomy bag, and her line dressings, she is anything BUT easy to wrap. ( Although she would still fit in a little package. ) The point being is that on the outside of a small package you may not think there could be much inside, but just wait until you see. My Ashley definitely arrived in my heart tucked inside of a small package, but once we opened her up I would have never imagined just how BIG she was going to be. The impact she has made in my life and in our family's life is HUGE! God sent us a little package weighing only 2lbs and 12 ozs, but her spirit and her will to live was so much bigger than that. Tonight I am so grateful to have learned that "Big things do indeed come in Little Packages."


At 6:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

not only is she NOT easy to wrap..but she doesn't have a TINY BOW either!!! hahahaha!!

At 6:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying...

At 7:15 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

I can't imagine going through each and every setback as gracefully as you guys do. And with such faith and determination. I admire you and David both, your faith and love for each other, your family and our heavenly Father is such a blessing to us and so many others. I am so thankful that you are able to share her story so openly...because of your willingness to do this so many have been able to see God's mighty hands at work almost in first hand. So many people don't get oppertunities such as this to see Him working as He has in Ashley's life. He has bestowed so many blessings and even miracles on His tiny creation Ashley. So many lives and hearts are forever changed because of the story He is writing with your family. When we stumble, God is right there to lift us back up to Him, oon't worry about venting....if you can even call it that. You just speak what is on your hearts to Him, and He will continue to walk the chapters of Ashley's story right there with you. I wish had more words of wisdom and encouragement to share with you...I haven't even walked a day in your shoes, but know we are constantly pouring our hearts out to the Father for you all, sometimes I feel as if I am speaking jibberish for prayers because because so many things race through my mind, and I don't want to forget anything....even if no one else understands what I am saying in my prayers...the Father does. Our hearts are with you always, and we will continue our prayers for your family.


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