Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Bunny Hair Cuts

For Christmas Ash received the most wonderful pair of fuzzy bunny slippers you have ever seen. They are so cute and on the inside of them they are lined with pink satin. They look like they feel really good and she has had them on everyday since she got them. Last night my awnry Ashley decided to color her bunny slippers with red polka dots. How you may ask? Not with crayons or markers, but with blood. Yucky, bright red, bloody, polka dots. As I saw the blood dripping down from one of the ports on her central line I made a dive across the room and heard myself yelling, "Not the bunnies! Save the bunnies!". I know this should not have been my first concern, but Ashley was sitting up and happily "growling" at me so I knew she was ok. After a quick assessment of the situation I decided there was no need to begin grieving the loss of our bunnies. They were fluffy enough that they probably could use a new hair cut anyway. So with the help of a pair of hospital scissors I gave our bunnies a cute new look, and you could never even tell they had once for a brief moment in their lives worn red polka dots. Rest assured that my Ashley was not being neglected while her bunnies made their first( and hopefully their last) appearance at the beauty shop. Her nurse was working on fixing the problems that Ash had created. In the brief span of a whole 2 minutes while I had turned my back on her to wash my hands she had gotten one of her ports into her hands and had successfully disconnected her TPN. As a result there was sticky, smelly TPN and fresh red blood pouring out all over my freshly bathed Ashley(and her bunny slippers). I told you she was awnry and now I know just how fast she can get into trouble. This was just the beginning of our long night that was packed full of "Ashley Antics". Needless to say we did not sleep and she is once again taking a good morning nap. I hope to get our day/night issues resolved very soon.

Morning rounds have ended and we are going to increase Ashley's feeds once again. She is very nauseated with any change in position, but she has not vomitted. This is progress. We have never gone up this high on her feeds without her losing them. I am praying she is learning to adjust to the volume as we slowly move higher and higher on her feeding pump. Other than the change in feeds everything else will stay the same for today. She is still on her treatments for her lung issues( we are so thankful because she sounds very clear right now), and she is still being treated for her staph and mold infections. She has been fever free, and her blood pressure issues have resolved. We still have a long ways to go, but I am feeling very good about the place we are in today. Things are looking good.

I am hoping to get in a little nap before my little pickle awakes. The girls (nurses) on the floor are ordering Applebees for lunch and this makes me smile and think of home. Blake loves to go there on Sundays after church for lunch. I think I will join them and order a plate of nachos. Mmmm, Mmmm good. I just wish that Dave was here to share them with me. Oh, well I will have to manage on my own. Thank you to all who went and enjoyed the concert in honor of Ashley last night. My heart was touched to learn of all who attended. I hope you were blessed by your attendance and I am glad we got to share a little of our Ashley with all of you. Thank you again for caring so much about her. We love you all. Trish


At 1:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bunnies, the bunnies, Oh I love the bunnies. I'm so glad you were able to save them. Should I be looking for another pair in a larger size for her? I wouldn't think she will be able to wear those too much longer. I'm praying Ash's feed increases are tolerable for her. As always, you're both in my heart and in my prayers. Love and Hugs, Grandma

At 4:34 PM , Blogger Connie said...

It's such a joy to hear of her antics! I'm so glad she's feeling well enough to do them. We'll be praying for her feeds.

At 5:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that she's doing well. As for the blood on the slippers, peroxide will take out the blood really easily. Just dab a little bit on there and it will take away blood stains. It's a good trick.

At 9:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sweet baby is STILL trying to tell you that she wants to be a PT Pirate. Just teasing! It warms my heart to read about Ashley and the WONDERFUL progress she is making. PRAISE GOD!!! My prayers continue to be with you daily. Much love to you each and every day! Regina D.

At 10:22 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

I noticed you haven't posted since this morning and am hoping it's because you're either:
B. Playing with a happy baby

Praying for you:)


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