Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



We are finally making some progress in that little yellow house we like to call home. We have spent the afternoon and evening there drawing some final plans and making some last minute decisions for our contractors. They have been working since last Monday and the finish date is Friday. Now that all the sheet rock work has been done and the texture is dry it looks like it is all going to come together. I realize that once they have done their job we still have many more things that have to be done before we move home, but I am starting to feel like the day WILL come. Its a good feeling to have.

Tonight as I looked around the house and remembered where we started from and where we are today I got a mental picture of my own life. When I left for Omaha my bathrooms seemed to be clean. They seemed to nice and neat. They seemed to be in good condition. On the surface all was well. Just like me. There are times in my life when it looks as though all is well. Once we began to look a little closer and do a little investigating we stumbled upon what started out to be a little problem. That little problem left unattended turned out to be a big problem. Just like the mold that was hiding under the floor in my bathrooms there have been times when sin has been left unattended inside of my heart. What started as a little thing eventually grew to be something much larger. Something that needed to be revealed and resolved before it began to take hold and hinder my faith. Even as I look around at the mess that has been made of our home, I can honestly say that I am glad we found the issues hiding underneath our bathroom floors. It hasn't been pleasant trying to repair and rebuild, but it has been necessary. I can say the same thing about my heart. It isn't always pleasant when the sin is revealed and the repairing of the damage can sometimes be painful, but I am thankful when I can approach Him with a clean heart. When I can go to Him and know that there is nothing left hiding underneath my surfaces. Every once in a while I am afraid it has been necessary for the Father to pull back the walls of my heart and get down to the framework of who He intended for me to be. He has had to patiently work to rebuild my faith, my hope, and my purpose. Just like my home remodel has taken time, my heart remodel has too. He didn't "fix" me in one day. I didn't get to the place that I needed to be "fixed" in one day, but in His time and according to His plan He works to remove my sin and create in me a new heart.

I look forward to the day when our remodel is complete and our family can spend our days and nights together in our home. I am anxiously awaiting that first night when I have tucked in the children and Dave and I can sit together and share the feeling that all is well again. I can't wait to stand in their doorways and pray over them as I walk away. As I pass between Blake's room and the girl's room I will probably smile and think about all I have learned as I walk pass their bathroom door. It makes me laugh that God continues to use things like moldy bathroom floors to teach me real life lessons. Oh, well whatever it takes to get me to the place He needs me to be. As long as I continue to make progress.

I'm going to go and lay down next to my sweet Ashley Kate. I can hear her making sweet little noises as she drifts off to sleep. Thank you so much for checking on our baby gherkin today. I think she looks good and I am so thankful to have been given another day. Goodnight and God Bless. Trish


At 7:21 AM , Blogger Lolly said...

What a great analogy. I have been reading for several months and praying for your family. God has given you such wisdom to understand what is going on and you have shown over and over again how you have surrendered it all to Him. Ashley's story touched me from the beginning. For 8 years I was a foster mom for an adoption agency caring for 60 newborns. Adoption is one of God's greatest gifts and very dear to my heart. God bless you and your sweet family.

At 7:57 AM , Blogger Ms. McFearsome said...

Trish--another great insight and a great use of analogy to convey it.

I'm so very glad your house is coming along. Hopefully, it will soon be complete!

God Bless...

At 9:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really need to write a book. Your words of encouragement in the midst of ...well I am unable to describe.. ...but not you. Your analogy really struck a cord with me....Thank you for being brave to share your story & your are such a wonderful example. Your children are so blessed to have such a wonderful mom & in tune with God's word...You are an inspiration....& ...(as old as it may get to hear....we are STILL praying.... Huge hugs....& smiles...) are a beautiful little miracle....& not a night goes by without a mention of your name to the Father from myself or my children. Much love in Christ...


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