Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


I love...

...Sleep. Thankfully we got some of it this afternoon.

...The sound of Allison Brooke's sweet Texas draw when she answers our phone and says, "Hi Mommy."

...Nurses who go out of their way to lend you a helping hand.

...Goodnight Moon and the joy it puts into Ashley Kate's eyes.

...Blake. Everything about this child. I am so proud to be his mom.

...Soft Blankets to cover my sweet baby in.

...Kindness. It goes so far in this world.


...The laughter shared between Dave and I.

...This blog and all those who continue to pray, to comment, to encourage.

...Our donor and family.

...Healthy livers. Functioning Bowels and extra pancreases(she has two you know!)

...Flip flops. Nothing beats 'em.

...A baseball team made up of 12 year old Tarheels.

...Creativity and Beauty. Allie B. has them both threaded throughout her 10 year old person.

...Chili on rainy nights and my mom who fixed it for my family.(wish we were there with you guys!)

...Dave's hands. Always has been my absolute favorite part of him.

...God's heart. How He loves us, forgives us, and provided for us.

...Yankee Candles. Ummmm.Ummmm. Can't find a better smelling butter cream.

...My sisters.

...A brush against my cheek from my dad that says all it needs to say and more.

...Diet Coke and frozen burritos(I know it sounds disguisting, but they have grown on me).

...Home comings. The one we will soon have in Texas and the one I look forward to in Heaven where my sweet Ashley Kate's broken body will be fully healed and she will never hurt again.


...Vacations(There is a beach in Mexico calling our names).

...Free laundry machines.


...My life. It is really amazing.


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