Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Dave took the Ark

So that leaves us stranded today. With the amount of rain that is falling outside my window an ark is the only appropriate mode of transportation, and since I can't find ours I assume Dave must have needed it to get to the office. Hopefully Ashley Kate will be cooperative today and not require a trip to the doctor or you know where. Her blood is still pretty thick, but I think the lab might be able to manage with it today. I hope. Everybody, Nebraska, Louisiana, and Texas, want to see her labs. When you add us to that mix I think that qualifies for everybody.

The nice thing about the rain is the way it sounds falling on the roof top in the kitchen. Its such a beautiful sound. One of the main reasons I wanted this little yellow house is because of the description the previous owner gave us of that. The ceiling has been taken all the way up to the rafters and it looks old and crusty. Just exactly the way I like things. Well used, worn, and loved. The sounds are amazing as I stand there folding laundry. You can kind of get lost in them and nothing around you seems to really matter. I love that feeling. The feeling I get when I step inside our house. The world is locked outside and home is inside. It feels so good!

Late last week when I received the first call from transplant I was enjoying an early Mother's Day dinner with my in laws. The call came out of nowhere and quickly sucked me back into transplant life. I had been busy hiding out in the world of real life. You know the one that doesn't include hospitals and the like? The second call came while I was leaving the grocery store. I stood outside on the side walk, basket over flowing, and took down the instructions I was being given on the back of my receipt. The third call came Monday afternoon while I was helping serve lunch at the school. On each occasion I took a moment to smile, whisper thank you, and enjoy the realization that I was home. Home for real. I was no longer living inside the walls of a little room in a PICU somewhere. The doctors couldn't just poke their heads in the door and talk to me. They were calling me to do that because Ash and I were out living life, enjoying our family, and taking care of business. It felt good to know that and yet still a little haunting to be reminded how quickly it could all change.

So today Ash and I are hanging out, folding laundry, thawing out chicken for dinner, and listening to the rain fall on the rooftop. Never mind the fact that shes already been through 2 ostomy bags, peed all over the bed during the changing of one of them, decided to throw up projectile style, torn up a whole box of kleenex and thrown it across my bedroom, had her blood drawn, and broke the telephone all before 11am. Life is beautiful. Home is wonderful, and the hope that we are here to stay is remaining as strong as we can keep it. Hope you have a blessed day, and if you live around this part of the country I hope your Arks in floating order today. Love you guys. Trish


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