Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


She's Home

...and its STILL fall Ya'll!

I can't believe it. We finally walked into our home at 12am this morning. Such a long trip!

Blake and Allie had waited up for us to come home. As soon as we walked in the door Blake grabbed his blanket, got up from "his" spot, and told us goodnight. Allie on the other hand stayed up to help me settle Ashley Kate(she had her bed already turned down for her) and then it was just us older girls. We snuggled and talked for another hours or two before I tucked that beautiful young lady into her bed. I lingered longer than usual cause it was just too hard to get myself off of her bed. She was so sweet and so beautiful and so grown up. My goodness they sure can change in a matter of weeks!

As I sit in our family room this morning, with the amazing scent of a Yankee pumpkin candle filling the room, our tiny pickle sits in the floor in "her" spot and plays with a basket of toys. Bet you can't guess what she picked up first? Not a baby doll, not a book, not her blocks, not even Blue. It was a baseball! That cracks me up. Does this girl know what her priorities are or what?

Its amazing that were here. I still can't believe it. Home. It's my favorite place in the world. It has my favorite people in it. All of them.

Some days there are more important things to do. Like staying home with your mom and your baby sister? That's kind of what I decided anyway. So my three favorite kids in the world are sitting right here with me. Have I told you lately how much I love them? How incredible they are? How beautiful they are? If I haven't then I think I should. They are amazing! So beautiful! I love them so very much!

I could spend the day doing laundry, cleaning the house, and getting our things back in order. OR...
I could spend the day playing ping pong, a little game of one on one out back( as I teach my son a thing or two about the game of basketball), baking warm chocolate chip cookies, playing board games, and enjoying each and every minute of my life.

Yeah, I think I'll take myself up on that last one.

Thank you , Father. You amaze me. I am so humbled to be here, living this life, with the children you have loaned me. I love you and I am grateful. You see my heart and the feelings that hide inside, the ones that I have no words to express, You know them well. Your protection, Your traveling mercies in the late night hours, Your direction around anything that could have harmed us the past two days, I thank You. I am forever grateful.


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