Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


She's lost another 300ccs of blood from her ostomy. Its really crazy. She is resting more comfortably than I have seen her in over a week. She is either exhausted or at peace with the war raging inside of her body.

Her vitals are all very stable. We know the bowel is in rejection. We know her abdomen was grossly distended for the last couple of days. We know bleeding happens when a bowel rejects. We know all of these things. We know her bowel "woke up" and her tummy is now soft and she is feeling better as the blood and fluids flow out of her stoma. She's breathing more comfortably as her abdomen gets softer and smaller. I have no idea, but could this be an answer to prayer? A prayer to make her more comfortable, for the bowel to wake up? All I do know is my beautiful little girl is now sleeping (with the help of a really strong narcotic) and she looks so sweet. The thymo is running through her veins and I pray it is killing all the cells that are trying so hard to kill her transplanted bowel.

We have still been unsuccessful at getting any blood drawn from her. We really need to see what her clotting factors look like to get an idea of why this bleeding inside of her won't stop and also we need a CBC to see if she needs more hemoglobin and platelets. I have prayed for her line to open back up and flow with the blood we need. I'm just waiting for it to happen.

Thank you all for being here. For your prayers. For your encouragement. For the love you have for our baby gherkin. Its such a rough ride. Tougher than I could have ever imagined, but its one I would do over and over and over again. She is worth the fight. She is so worth it. I am humbled by the number of you who are praying and all those you are asking to pray. I know God has a plan for our Ashley. He has done great things in her life and since the very beginning of her story we have known He was making a way. Tonight I hope that He is busy making a way in her life once again. A way toward healing and recovery that just might lead us home. Its my hope.


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