Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



Ashley Kate's interests have centered around being on her bicycle.

Every chance she gets! She has made such great progress, and as I run to catch up with her each day I fight back tears of joy. She has complete independence and is able to go where she chooses. If we say its time to go back home she turns down the opposite street. Its so much fun to watch her be a little girl. So much fun!

Each day she signs, "shoes...outside...bicycle...please". She signs it ALL DAY LONG.

Friday afternoon she rode for 4 miles! 4 miles!!!

There are moments in my days when I wonder if we are making the best decisions for her, and then there are moments in my days when I watch her doing all the things I feared she would never be able to do that I know we are making the best decisions for her. She's getting the opportunity to be 6 years old and that is an opportunity I feared she wouldn't have. On this side of our decision I'm glad to say she is every bit of 6.

In fact we are 4 short months away from celebrating her 7th, and we are in the beginning stages of planning her birthday party. Its so much fun to be her mom. So much fun! There are LOTS of details being worked on and my notebook is filling up with plans.

I love celebrating her life!


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