Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


She KNOWS they Love her..

 Because they SHOW her that they love her.

My favorite moments are those moments in which I stumble across an interaction between one of my big kids with our sweet Ash.  I don't have words that could even describe how blessed my heart is in these moments.  Ashley knows with every part of her how very much she is loved. 

Blake and Allison do a beautiful job of loving Ash.  They show me every single day what is to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  I stand back in the shadows and listen to the words they share, watch the help they offer, and make mental notes of the time they spend.  I am so blessed in these moments.  So blessed.

I could watch the interactions and never grow weary.  I try to be silent as I snap a picture every now and then and most times they never even know I was there.  I think thats what I love about it the most.  Its a choice they make to spend their time with her.  I love to over hear as they ask her how her day was or when they begin to share where they have been and what they did that day with her.  She loves them so much, and although those three little words have never been spoken from her mouth to either of them they realize that she loves them.  Its in her eyes.  Its in her smile.  Its on her face.  Words aren't necessary.  You can just feel that she loves you when you are with her. 

My favorite gift this holiday season is time.  Once its spent it can never be given back, and the one you spend it with may never forget that it was given.  My prayer this month is to be present in each moment and to give my time to those whom God gave to me. 

I hope your day is blessed.


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