Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Back to the ICU

Today has not been the best day here in Omaha. Around 4:30 things began to get very scary for Ash. We have been brought back down to the ICU to try and figure out what is happening in Ashley's little body. She has already been put through so much and we haven't even been here for 2 hours. Ashley's body is exhausted and no matter what they tried to help her with today nothing has worked so far. They are trying to decide to if they will put Ash back on a ventilator. She is struggling to breathe and they are afraid she may just get too tired to continue. They will be watching her to make a decision later on tonight. Ash has been poked and cathed and everything else you can imagine. The difference in the floors are night and day. Aunt Rae is having to experience things I had hoped her tender heart would not have to see. She loves Ashley so much and I know this is very hard on her. As a mommy I am trying to learn that this is what my Ashley's life will be like from now on. We will never when it will be a good day or a bad day. I wish I could spare her all the pain she is experiencing. I want to scream and cry out for help for her. My heart is breaking because I am helpless. All I can do is try and hold her tiny hands and give her comfort. I know she is scared by the look in her eyes. She is pleading for me to help her and I can't. If only I could take her place. I am getting just a small glance into what it may have been like for the Father as He watched His children slipping away. He loved us so much that He sent Jesus to take our place on the cross. I love my sweet Ashley enough to lay there for her. How I wish I was the one they were hurting. My heart is so very heavy as I watch her struggle. God please, please help her.

This is Ashley's chance to live and she is fighting as hard as her tiny little body can. Please remeber to pray for her tonight. We value your prayers more than anything you could give or do for us. I know our Father was not caught off gaurd this evening. I know He has a plan and He is working it. I don't doubt any of the things my heart believes, but I am scared for my baby and I am tired. I pray I can receive that peace that seems to numb my fears and His strength to make it through another day. I am blessed beyond measure to be her mommy and I love her with more love than I ever knew I could love someone. He is growing us. I know it.


At 7:29 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

Oh Father how we love You. Your love for us is beyond measure. I know as Trish's heart aches for little Ashley, Yours does also. Lord we just pray for Trish, she is so very tired, and feels so helpless. Lord surround her with Your love and give her the strength that only You can give. Please help Ashley Lord, she is in so much pain, it is hard for us to understand why, but You know.....and Ashley is so strong Lord, You have made her that way for this very reason. Each of our strengths and weaknesses You have given us to help us through our lives here on Earth, nothing You have done is without purpose. I know You have used this story to touch the lives of so many, and I pray that You would continue to use their testimony and faith in You to reach others. Please Lord help their little Gherkin, we praise You for this tiny little miracle in their lives. We humbly come to You asking for her healing. Ease Trish's fears and concerns Lord, just continue to allow this family to feel Your mighty presence with them all the time. In Your Precious Name I Pray, Amen


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