Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Nap Time

As Ashley is drifting off to sleep I have come down to catch everyone up on her condition. The computer is next to the room of the most precious little girl. Her name is Karnella and the nurses affectionately call her Nella. My heart aches for her because every day she has to endure a morining shot. Oh how she cries as they come in to give it to her. It makes her so very sad, but at the end of her shot she gets to order french fries. This seems to help her forget all about the pain from the stick she has received. I love to here the kindness and the care in the voices of those who care for her. She lives here at the hospital and I just love her so much. I got to see her walking around the hall yesterday wearing her pink tennis shoes. She is so beautiful. I told my nurse I just wanted to scoop her up and love on her and my nurse replied to me you could adopt her too. How my heart screamed yes! I would take them all if that is what He asked me to do. These tiny little people so badly need to be loved. They are hurting and they are fragile and the need mommies too. I am so thankful that when He called Dave and I to have the heart for adoption that we did not say no. I cannot imagine what our life would be without our Ashley Kate.

During rounds we were told that we will just stay in the ICU until the virus has run its course. They want to watch Ashley close because of her lack of immunity. Things can happen so quickly when the become sick with infection. As Rachael and I visited over lunch I shared with her how grateful I am to be where I am today with Ashley. Even though she is sick I believe that today she is probably the most stable patient in the ICU. She played with us for a while this morning, looking at a beautiful baby in the mirror who kept waving to her. I think she really likes this friend who shares the crib with her. Every time she opens her eyes she is there. When Ashley plays patty cake so does her new friend. It is so funny to watch her play with this baby in the mirror. She keeps looking over at Aunt Rae and mommy to see if we can see her too.

Ashley has been throwing up again today and that makes her feel yucky. There were some very large blood clots that came out during her suctioning today, but once they were gone she seemed to be breathing alot smoother. She has had alot of fluid on her little body so they have been trying to dry her out. She is very, very thirsty today, but it is safer for her to be a little dehydrated while she struggles to breathe. The fluid balance seems to be very hard to figure out. She goes from one extreme to the other almost daily. I will be glad when things start to settle into a somewhat normal or stable state.

Again I am thankful for a day to spend with my Ashley. I am thankful for the nap she is going to allow me take at some point today. I am thankful for the place that we are in. I am thankful for the people God is using to play a part in Ashley's story. I am thankful for life. Just plain and simple I am thankful to be alive, and I am thankful Ashley has been given this chance at life.


At 5:53 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

Okay well I just posted something and it got lost before it posted. AGGHH. Well just wanted to let you know that we are continuing our prayers for Jeremiah and his family. We know that you know exaclty what each of these familes are going through and struggling with from day to day. We know that God has put you there in Omaha for that very reason. Nothing He does is without purpose. We will be praying for little Carmella and for David and Allie as they are flying up to see you guys tomorrow. We gave a few things to David for you guys, maybe he won't forget to pack them for you!! We hope that Ashley gets better everyday and that you get to come home soon! Much love and prayers.


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