Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


The Plan

The doctors just finished the morning rounds and everyone is stumped as to why Ash is not feeling any better. She just seems so miserable and no one knows why. It has been a very hard morning to be here because she is just crying and crying between minutes of sleep. It is breaking her Aunt Toni's heart. It is not easy to spend time here in this unit. If the children are in ICU it is because they are very sick and this is difficult to be around day after day. I told her it will get easier as she learns to adjust to the crying and the chaos that surround us right now. My prayer is that Ash will make it back onto the 6th floor sooner rather than later. The plan for today is to just watch Ashley. They are busy taking x-rays right now to look into her lungs for any signs of trouble that may be causing her difficulty breathing. Tomorrow we will go into surgery around 1:00 to do scopes, biopsys, and place a G-J tube so that we can begin feeding Ashley's new intestine. Her liver enzymes have taken a hit today due to the increase in her TPN. She lost weight again last night and this is not the best of news. Tomorrow will be a tough one because Ash will go back on a ventilator and she will wake up from surgery very sore and very uncomfortable. I believe she will be given some Tylenol to try and help her cope with her new set of boo-boos. I am so very thankful that I will not be alone during tomorrow's procedures. One of the toughest things we have to endure is allowing them to take Ashley from our arms and walk away with our daughter as we stay behind totally helpless. I am so glad that my sister will be with me to keep me calm and focused. God has a plan in all of this and I am sure He knows why we are experience a few set backs instead of making progress. I will trust Him today with Ashley and I will trust Him tomorrow with her. I will continue to wake up every day and trust that He is doing what is right on her behalf.

I have talked to Dave and he and Allie have arrived safely home this morning. Praise God for taking care of them while they were in the air. I look forward to speaking with Allie and Blake today after school to hear all about their days events.

Thank you again for coming to visit Ash's Story today. I appreciate all of your kind words that you leave for us in her guestbook. I appreciate all of the prayers you say for her. I appreciate each one of you for loving my sweet Ashley. I appreciate the support you give to my family. May God bless you all today and everyday. Trish


At 12:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be praying more specifically for all the needs you listed. (Just came in for a quick lunch & thought I would check on you guys.) Hugs....glad everyone arrived safely....Dave & Allie & Aunt Toni. (= Praying.......

At 12:46 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

I was flipping through one of the magazines we got in the mail box here at the church...and wanted to share one of the sayings I read....

No matter how smooth or rough this day, God is with us every step of the way!


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