Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


The Blessings of Memories

This morning as the guys left and I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes I realized how blessed I am to be loved by those two. They are so wonderful and we had such a great visit. After bouncing up out of bed Blake jumped on mine and hugged me tight and told me how much he loved me and how much he misses me.( It is much easier to wake him than it is to wake his sister Allison) This kid is the best. There is nothing about Blake that I do not love. After listening to him talk about baseball, dreaming of playing in the little league world series, hoping for a surprise phone call from Pudge Rodriguez, and more statistics than I could ever remember, I realized that even if he wasn't my son I would want to be his friend. There is just something about Blake that makes me like him as a person. I think it might me be because he reminds me so much of his dad. These two guys have danced their pants off for Ashley this weekend. We laughed and laughed as they tried everything they could think of to make her smile. She is a lucky girl to be loved by such wonderful guys.

As Dave hugged me goodbye this morning I found myself wishing that time would stand still. How good it feels to know that he wraps all the love in his heart around me as he gives me a squeeze. When they rounded the corner to the elevator Blake popped back around to give me the "fist" that he shares with all his buddies on the baseball team. I am honored that he chooses to make me his friend and doesn't just think of me as his mom. Dave just stood behind him a smiled.

Memories of my family and their visits are now all around me as I walk through the halls of this hospital. One of the most wonderful gifts the Father has given to us is the ability to remember. My memories warm my heart as they flood back to me. As I approach the elevators I think of Allie everytime. When she is here she always chooses the center elevator and wants me to choose one too. This is her game. We try to see which one will open up first. Last visit I laughed at her as she told me her secret to winning. She always chooses the middle of the three so she will have a 50/50 chance of being right. I laughed and laughed at her silliness. When I get onto the elevators my heart warms each day as I remember how Dave likes to steal a kiss before anyone else gets on. I always try to push him away and act like it bothers me even though I really love knowing he is going to try. As I walk the stairs my heart warms with the memory of Blake always going first because he knows I am going to try and race him down. He walks in the center very slowly just to entice me. As I try to race around him and beat him the fight is on. I have never won. Anyone who knows my Blake knows that he loves competition and he will fight to the end to win. This is why I know he is going to make all of his dreams come true. He believes that the one who works the hardest will come out on top. Through the pain, the heat, the sweat it doesn't matter to him. He always gives more than 100% and I love him for this. My most precious memory from this trip is Ashley and her Daddy holding each other. The tears in his eyes that he tried to fight back as she placed her tiny hands up to his mouth so she could feel his kisses. This one I will place at the top of my heart. I will pull out to help myself get through until his next visit.

My life is blessed and my heart is full from the blessing of the memories that He has provided me with. I will concentrate on all of these blessings as Ash and I continue through this day. Our first day on our own. I am also blessed by all of you time and time again. Each day as I check Ashley's story my heart adds another memory or two. The stories you share, the promises of prayers for my baby, the concern I hear in your comments, and the words of encouragement all are making a lasting memory on my heart. Thank you for becoming part of my precious memories.


At 10:00 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

I'm so glad you've got some sweet memories stored up to get you through the next couple of weeks! I'm praying that the Lord will comfort You in such a mighty way that you don't feel alone.

You are such an encouragement to me; as I read your words, I'm reminded to cherish my three little ones. Thank you for being such a blessing:)


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