Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Singing, Dancing and Carrying On.....

I have always wanted a Ferrari F40 but I certainly would not trade the day I had with Ash for one. A house on the beach would be nice, but not as nice as what I got to do today. A caribbean vacation would be great, but not as great as what I did today. You see, tonight I got to hold my Ashley. This may not seem like a lot, but it was for me tonight. Last Friday we almost lost her and when I got the call about the trouble she was having I was very shaken. I let my mind wander away on me and I was afraid that we would lose her and I would not have been there with her. Tonight was so great because I got to hold her and she had both eyes darting back and forth looking at me. Me, the one God chose to be her father. She ripped my glasses off and banged me in the head with them. It was great, just like it should be. Before I came I had prayed that God would allow her to wake up enough for Blake to get to see her. God answered my prayer and gave me even more. He let me see her and hold her and play with her. Blake and I danced and sang to her and she was kicking her arms and legs and jumping around the best she could while being on her back stuck to the ventilator. I am so thankful that Blake got to spend that time with her before we leave in the morning. I know he feels much better about where his baby sister is.

We fly out in the morning. We will leave the hospital around 4:30 to get to our plane by 6:00. Fortunately the Omaha airport is fairly small and easy to get in and out of. We should be back in Longview by 10:00. For two guys who are not really morning people I hope we make it on time. I hate to leave Trish and Ash behind tomorrow but I feel better this time knowing that we will be back in just two short weeks. Next time we will get to stay longer and that will be even greater.

I have to go now, I need to look around the hospital and see if I can find a couple of giant ziplock bags for Blake and I to come home in.


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