Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Recent Pictures

1. This was Ash a couple of weeks ago. She was resting on the vent after her failed GJ-tube placement surgery.

2. Trish was clearing off Ash's bed and when she picked up the stethoscope Ash reached for it. Ashley grabbed it turned it around until she was holding it as seen in the picture, then she tried to open it up and put it in her ears. It was amazing for us to see how smart she is. She has been observing everyone put them in their ears so she knew to put them in hers.

3. Her mom won't let her leave the room without a pretty bow on her head.

4. All this time you thought Trish was posting the daily updates. Well, now you know the truth. The Gherkin is just Blogging and letting you know how her days are going.

5. This is after she got her first haircut. She just looks so darn cute in this one.

6. She is resting on the vent again. If you look close you can see how her eyes were swollen shut. It was said to watch her eyelids flutter because we knew she was trying to look at us but just could not figure out why her eyes would not open.

7. Ash is playing hide the bug in the cup. She loved this game. Her aunt Toad would put a bug in a cup and Ash would hit it. She learned which bug belonged in which cup and if aunt Toad would put the wrong bug in the wrong cup Ash would shake her head no. Aunt Toad would then have to move the bug to another cup until she got it in the right one. Once again it is amazing to see how much her mind and thought process is developing.

8. She is resting on the vent again. This time under the watchful eye of the Care Bear.

9. This is my favorite. When Allison was a baby I would give her "Eskimo" kisses at night when I put her to bed. When she was 2 she would always tell me not to forget her "XMO" kiss. To this day I still give her XMO's each night when I put her to bed. When Ash came along I started giving her the XMO's as well. It is something special I enjoy with my girls. What I think of when I look at this picture is the opportunity I would have never had without Ashley's transplant. I think of the day that I will give her away in marriage and I know that I will be giving her XMO's as I hand her off to her new husband.

10. Ashley loves her Blake. She loves to rip the glasses off of his face. It was so good to see her doing this tonight. We know she is feeling better when she is playing in this way. I am so thankful that they got to share this moment before we left tomorrow morning.

11. She also likes to rip his nose off.

12. This was the highlight of my trip. I am so thankful I got to hold her before we went home. She struggled for about 10 min then she relaxed and fell asleep in my arms. I got to hold her for about 15 minutes before she began to get restless. It is amazing how something as simple as holding her can wear her out. It was a reminder to me that she is still so very fragile. I pray that she will get off the vent soon and be strong and ready for her next surgery. Thank you Lord for this time spent with the Gherkin today.


At 10:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to see Ashley today. After a rough week, it seems like she is looking pretty good today! I know I didn't see the worst. . . . anyway, I wanted to let you know about a potential funding source for some of this travel you guys are doing. My aunt works at Cerner Corporation in KC and the have what is called the First Hand Foundation. You can check it out at I don't know what you might qualify for, but it is worth a shot. I thought I'd better get this to you while I was thinking about it because I will probably forget otherwise. Here's praying you all have a good night and that Ashley will get the rest needed for healing.

At 10:53 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

Just wanted to let you know as we go to bed for the night we will be praying for Ashley. Each time Kaitlynn wakes up we say a prayer for your little one. I hope that she has a restful night, and that you all get some rest. Much love and prayers.

At 8:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting those pictures Dave. She is so beautiful.... (I love the one of you & her...looking at one another....SO CUTE!! Also, her & Blake playing.... they will make a cute scrapbook page.) Glad Ashley is doing a bit better. Our God is so good.....hard to think about how touch & go it has been but it does put life in perspective. As Trish stated in another post....we want our children to be smart, pretty, popular, sucessful... BUT none of that is important. God helps us realize what is important....HIM. Life....putting HIM first always...& everything else that was once important fades to the background....and there is a realization of how superficial all of that was. Thank you God for bringing clarity to our thinking....for helping us to never put anything before YOU. Thank you for this family. Praying for your safety with travel for Dave, Blake, & Glenda. Praying for your comfort & strength for Trish as she endures the week without any family present with her & Ash....let her know that YOU are with her the entire time Lord. Lifting up this beautiful little creation ....sweet Ashley...oh Jesus....I ask for healing....I ask for a great abundance of joy to shine down on this family....that a harvest of healing & good things are to come on the other end of this storm that they are having to endure. I ask all of this in your name Jesus. Amen. Hope you have many blessings today.... Love in Christ.


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