Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Christmas "Angel"

Tonight we have been blessed by an "angel". Ashley is one of the sweetest things I have ever seen. She spent most of the day resting, but tonight after her bath I slipped her into her Christmas p.j.'s and she looked so sweet she must be an "angel". How precious she is. She may not really be an angel, but she is definitely a miracle.

Christmas has always been such a magical time for me. I love everything about the season. This year has been difficult, but tonight I am feeling the "magic". I am so very thankful to have been given another holiday with my sweet Ashley Kate. She is amazing, and she is the most incredible gift I have ever received.

We are preparing to leave and go to our apartment with Blake and Allie. I hate leaving Ashley here, but we have decided we would rather open gifts there tonight so we can wake up early in the morning and bring our stockings to the hospital to be with Ashley. The kids are looking forward to sitting with her on her bed and seeing what surprises are tucked inside of their stockings. (Don't tell Ash but we have packed two jumbo size tic tac boxes deep inside of hers. She is going to love it!) Allison thinks it just won't feel right opening gifts at "home" tonight without Ashley, but I am hoping she will enjoy the things she finds inside of her packages. I know we will feel an emptiness without her, but I am going to do my best to make it as special and magical for them as I can.

I pray you are all enjoying precious holiday moments with your loved ones tonight and that you are making memories to last a lifetime. We love you all and we wish you the merriest of Christmas'. Enjoy the magic.


At 8:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a blessing it is to be able to be here in Omaha sitting with Ash tonight! God is so good! It makes me want to shout everywhere just how awesome our Lord is as I get to be the Grandma and spend time with our littlest angel. It was so much fun to see her little eyes light up as she played with her new toys for a few minutes. She has now decided that she is tired out from all the activity and is resting peacefully while Greypa stands by her bedside proudly watching her. We are very blessed this Christmas eve. I pray all your families are equally blessed. Thank you all for praying Ashley to this point in her recovery. Love and Hugs to all and a most wonderful Christmas to all as we celebrate the birth of our marvelous savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Grandma Glenda

At 10:14 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

Father, we thank You for sending Your Son so that we might be saved. He was the greatest gift You could have ever given any of us....and the reason we celebrate Christmas. May none of us ever forget the true meaning of Christmas.

Thank You for this family, and their little gherkin, and thank You for blessing this family with another day with their tiny gherkin angel. We pray that You would bless them with many more, and that You would continue watching over their family as they celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Savior this year. In Your Name I Pray, Amen!

Know our prayers will continue for you all!

At 11:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas little angel! And Merry Christmas to her beautiful family!

At 11:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Adams Family! We log on daily (sometimes hourly) to how precious Ashley is doing! Enjoy your day together as a family. We are praying for you!
D. Werner


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