Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Our Home away from Home?

Can you believe two weeks ago today we got on the med flight and headed back to Omaha? In some ways I am astonished that it has only been two weeks(it seems like we have been here forever) and in other ways I can't believe it has already been two weeks. Two weeks ago last night I left the hospital while Ash sat with Grandma and went to dinner with Dave and the kids. Then I left Dave to stay with Ash so I could go home and tuck Blake and Al to bed. I remember laying next to them on their beds and listening to them talk and talk and talk. I had been at the hospital with Ashley Kate for 3 nights and had been missing our night time routine. Looking back I wish I had known what the next morning had in store for us because I would have done things differently. I might have asked the kids if they wanted to sleep in our room just so I could listen to them breathe all night long. I might gone back into their rooms a few more times before retiring to mine. I might stayed up late on a school night and played a game or watched a movie. I know I would have told them an extra time just how much I loved them. I just miss them so much and I think it is especially hard on all of us because we know how long it was last time. I can't explain this for any other reason except to say that I woke this morning feeling like we could still go home any day. Call me naive, but I just pray we aren't here much longer.

Home away from home? I try my best to make our room feel like home. I sectioned it off in my mind into different areas. I have an office in the corner. It consists of a rolling hospital table that holds my computer, my bible, my books, and phone, and cameras. I have taped all the photos of the kids from my wallet on the wall so I can see their faces as I type or study. The next area is my living/bedroom. It consists of my favorite blue recliner that serves dual purposes. I keep my blanket folded across the back for those times that I feel like resting which in turn makes the area my bedroom. When I'm not reclined for sleeping then I am rocking my Ashley Kate or reading or both. Then it becomes our living room. Ash's crib is right in the center of the room and like always it is made up with her sheets, her blankets and her pillows. I catch a lot of grief about this from some of the doctors, but I think it is important to her healing that she be surrounded by familiar things. Her things make her feel secure in a very scary situation. We do have a bathroom area, but I am not allowed to make use of it. It is only for emptying Ash's output. Our next area is what I call the kitchen. It has a sink, a counter top for holding Ash's supplies, and some cabinets. I don't use any of them for our personal things, but I still refer to it as the kitchen area mainly because of the sink. I keep the room as tidy as possible while living in such a small place. I always have an air freshener plugged in so it smells delicious(Thanks Heather for remembering) and I keep soft music playing under Ashley's crib just like we do in her nursery. All of this may sound very silly to some, but I am making the best out of a tough situation the only way I know how. Dave tried to throw a kink in my system by taking the computer out of the office and into the living/bedroom area. When I explained my "home away from home" concept to him he just rolled his eyes, went back to the office with the computer and smiled. I think he understood or at least he tried to. I'm so glad He loves me enough to look past all my silly ways.

Ash had 20 minutes of sleep last night. Thats it. That also means that Dave and I had ...20 minutes and he had to be up at 4 and has to work all day. At least I get to go to my "bedroom" and nap. Some days are crazy in this life of ours, but even still we are more than blessed. I am so thankful to have this beautiful baby to love and to have 2 of the greatest kids in the world missing me back home. We will all get through this time and when we do our time together will be all the sweeter. Still blessed. Thats what we are.


Daisy, we LOVE our smiley face balloons. Thank you so much for thinking of us. Every time we look at them we SMILE really big and think of you. We just love you two!


At 10:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over the past two weeks, I ahve found myself praising God that he allowed you that night home with your other 2 children. Only God in His sovereignty knew what lay in store the following morning!

I am continuously amazed at how you make the best of any situation! Hope you get some rest in your bedroom today :)

At 10:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you are using her bedding. I'm behind you 100%. Thank you for counting your blessings in your home away from home.
We never know when our last breath is - that's what you said. We must live each day, truly live each and every day.
My daughter is feeling insecure lately... I stayed in her bed until after she fell asleep. Some say not to. I say, it helped us both.
Enjoying your love story!
God bless you.

At 10:46 AM , Blogger Laurie in Ca. said...

"Home away from Home" is what mommys do to keep things feeling as normal as possible and I am glad to hear that this is what you are doing. I am praying that you will be tucking all 3 of your babies in their own beds soon, and for all hearts to be safe and protected until that day comes for you. Praying Ashleys kidneys are waking up and all other infection vanishes. Asking God to keep her spirit high above the circumstances and I know she is comforted by her own personal security things, what do doctors and nurses know, right?
May God send special people to minister to you while you are there. Most of all, Gods healing grace over your entire family and bring joy to each of you to fill your days and hearts.
Praying hard for you,
Laurie in Ca.

At 11:07 AM , Blogger Amy T said...

God has used this journal so much to minister to those of us who read it. I am glad that out of that, there has been some ministering done for you too! Praying you are soon home in your real home, but in the meantime, you go girl! It is an awesome idea to fix up the room like that and I know it's making a difference to Ashley!

At 11:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are such a wise mom. I loved hearing about your "home away from home." I use soft music to help my granddaughter sleep and now, when she lays down for a nap at my house, she sighs a happy sigh and says, "My favorite music" and goes right to sleep.
We remain steadfast in prayer for Ashley and your whole family.

At 11:40 AM , Blogger cindy/barron said...

Trish i would probably do the same as you. I love the picture of Dave in the crib with the Pickle. Hope you get some rest and the pickle to.

At 12:05 PM , Blogger Carey said...

Glad you can make your situation a home. Its something i think that needs to be done to help you through it. Esp. Ashleys bedding stuff..why make it worse for her. She should have her stuff. Praying that your time their will be short and the two of you will be reunited with the rest of your family soon.

At 12:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Trish,

I am not sure any of your readers would know how really difficult it is to keep those nice, familiar, and soft bedding items CLEAN! Where and when do you get to do the laundry? The only washer and dryer I remember was in the Lied, and you had to find a nurse to get the key. Is it the same for you?
Glad things have fallen into a more "safe" mode -- all leading in the direction "home."


At 12:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are toooo funny! I love it! And yes I noticed your distinct areas! I would do the same! You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers! Lou Ann

At 1:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful Trish! Would LOVE to see a picture of the room. Like in all things you do, you always make the best of a situation. Thanks for sharing this with us. Picture please! :)

At 1:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so neat how you have made "a home away from home" out of Ashley's room. Amazing! You minister to so many hearts through this journal. Thank you.

.....still praying for God to heal quickly and a miracle be had so you can get home quickly....


At 2:31 PM , Blogger Gretchen said...

Praise God for the details that you remember, like familiar sheets and music for your Pickle. Hang in there in your home away from home. I hope your reunion as a family will be soon and sweet.


At 3:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That, my friend, is why we love you!

At 4:02 PM , Blogger Keri said...

This warms my heart, thinking of how cozy you're trying to make your hospital room. I'm sure it makes a difference in how you feel in there, as well as how Ashley feels! (And I bet some of the nurses like it, too, even if the doctors don't!)


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