Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


So glad He got to be Her Dad!

This daddy sure does love this pickle! I could sit and watch them together forever. He leaves us at 4 tomorrow morning and we will both miss him so much. Today he spent his time rocking, rubbing, and relaxing with our Ashley Kate. He climbed into her crib and rubbed until his fingers went numb. I love the way he loves her. I love the way he loves them all.

My heart is so sad. Blake and Allie were both crying on the phone tonight. They are missing us terribly and they have been so strong for so long. My heart broke as I listened to them turn on each other and although I tried to help them repair the hurt feelings its just not the same when mom is 700 miles away. I wish we could all be at home together. Allie is so emotional and Blake is trying so hard with her, but like he said,"I'm sad too, Mom." He may be 12, but he is still a kid and their hearts are hurting. I pray Ashley Kate will recover soon.

I wonder how there doing it? I don't think I could hold myself together as much as they do. Thankfully they have wonderful grandparents who are giving so much time and energy filling in for me while I'm away. We try so hard to keep life as normal as possible for the kids. We know that our sweet Ashley will always be sick and there will always be periods of time that require her to be hospitalized. Dave and I firmly believe that Blake and Al should not have to give up their talents, their activities, their friends, and their normalcy. They love Ash and I know they would do anything for her, but that doesn't require them to have to give everything up. Blake will be playing in the Regional soccer tournament tomorrow and more than likely his team will play in the championship game. How I wish I could be there to cheer him on. The Tarheels will then travel to Texarkana for a baseball tournament this weekend. Allie will play soccer on Saturday and has promised to kick another goal for me. Ash is sick and we are away, but life goes on at home. I miss my kids so very much.

Ash looks pretty good tonight. She is a little fussy and irritable because of her big tummy, but overall I think its been a good day. Her kidneys continue to struggle and we continue to push albumin, plasma, blood, platelets, and replacement fluids trying to keep up with the fluids she is losing. We need her kidneys to wake up and decide to do their job again and do it well. She is barely hanging on at the lower end of the spectrum(and it doesn't make our team very happy).
She had low fevers a few times today, but currently she does not. We went back to CT today to see if anything had changed in the areas everyone is so concerned about, but we have not heard the results. Its a long road back and if we do indeed have surgery then the road becomes even longer.

Tonight I'll be lifting up my children in prayer. Each of them hurt even though some hurts are physical and some are not. I just want to be their mom and take all the heartaches away. I would love to climb up next to them on their beds and rub their feet until they grew tired and drift off to sleep. Thats exactly what I'm going to do on our first night back home. I hope they know how very much they are loved as they lay there tonight.

Thank you for your prayers for our family. I thank God for each of you and pray He blesses your homes. I look forward to meeting with this group of believers on the other side and seeing the ones He has called to stand with us. I love you guys. Trish


At 10:09 PM , Blogger Sunshine said...

I cannot imagine how difficult this road is that you are traveling - to be a mommy and yet have to make such tough decisions and go through so much -

My heart hurts with you about missing your other two and I will continue to pray...mainly that satan CANNOT get a foothold in ANY place in ANY of your relationships. I will continue in prayer for Ashley - but also for Dave's trip tomorrow, Blake and Allison's is tough and you and Dave and their grandparents are doing an AMAZING job!

I tell you I cannot wait to meet you too - you have inspired me to be a better mommy, to be grateful NO MATTER what, and you have shown how to be a woman of God through good and VERY, very tough times. Thank you for the opportunity to pray for you and I hope to get something in the mail to you this week, I have been holding off to allow you all a chance to get settled somewhat there - I prayerfully look forward to the time when you can be back at home and Ashley can be up and about and exploring once again! Sunshine

At 10:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks again for blessing my life and so many others. You have also taught me to be a better mother, wife and friend. I will continue to pray for your family constantly and like you said...can't wait to meet you someday in the streets of gold!


At 10:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a mom of a special needs child, I understand what you are saying about trying to keep things as normal as possible for your other two. It is hard, you are doing a wonderful job and you have good kids. I will keep them in my prayers along with Ashley. I will pray for peace and strength for you.

At 10:21 PM , Blogger April said...

My heart goes out to you and your families. I am sure that one day your kids will grow to know and understand that although they miss you now that you did the right thing in letting them live out their lives with normalcy. I continue to check for updates daily and I am praying for your whole family right now.

At 10:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing about what's going on with the rest of your family. It gives me something specific to pray for! God bless you guys.

At 10:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I heard from Ashley and her family. Now I can turn off the computer and go to bed.
Praying the day comes soon when your family can all just go to bed normally, Ashley in her beautiful crib and everyone under one roof. The things we can take for granted!
Praying for you all..........

At 10:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be praying for your family to get through this time of separation and for Ashley's healing. May Abba comfort you all tonight.

At 10:33 PM , Blogger Amy said...

Praying for Blake and Allie and for their parents who love them so much. Praying for a restful night for Ash.

At 10:37 PM , Blogger Tamara said...

I will be praying for your entire family. You are doing an amazing job of parenting. You are such an amazing woman Trish and you have an amazing family! I will be praying for comfort and peace and sleep and peace and oh, more peace!!!! Love to all of you!!!

At 10:39 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

I'm praying for hurt hearts tonight, and that tomorrow is a better day for all, including CT results that are miraculous!

I know you don't know me, so this sounds loony, but I wish I were there and could keep you company for a while. Being lonely is yucky! Since I can't, I'll pray for you instead :)

At 10:45 PM , Blogger Troy and Melanie said...

I can't imagine all the emotions you and your family go through each and every day. We will be praying for Blake and Allison as they also struggle with emotions. You handle all your struggles with such grace. Just know that our prayers will continue for you. I am so glad that God has allowed me to witness Ashley's story from the beginning. Your faith and testimony has been an inspiration to our entire family. Know you are loved....we will continue carrying you to the Father in prayer....we will be praying for David's safe travel early tomorrow morning also.

Much love and prayers

At 10:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for Allie & Blake....Dave (safe travel) & for your family. I can't imagine how hard it is for each of you. Your such an awesome mom. Lifting you up....

At 11:20 PM , Blogger Gretchen said...

I ache for you and your children and husband, but I rejoice in your faith and in the rest God gives you. Thank you for sharing your day and your heart. Congrats to Blake and Allie on being awesome kids and awesome athletes, as well.

At 11:20 PM , Blogger Princess D said...

Just wanted you to know that your strength gives me inspiration and your will and spirt are amazing. Your daughter is beautiful and I am hoping and praying with all of might that she will pull through this. You have all been through so much.
Hugs and prayers,


At 11:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a difficult position to be in....I know you love each of your children so much. It's hard when Ashley's illness requires that you be away- though I know if it were Blake or Allie who was sick you'd travel across the country with one of them, if need be. That's difficult to understand when you're a child. You're trying to do the best you can to be a great mom to all of them, and they really do know that. Would they be able to come and visit at some point?? I do respect that they have school, sports, etc. that you don't want them to miss out on.
It's difficult to balance it all.
Prayers for you tonight, as always.

At 11:46 PM , Blogger Ashley @ {Let Go, Laughing} said...

Hi there, I came over to your blog awhile ago when I saw a link for a little girl with the same name as mine. I, too, am Ashley Adams and of course it piqued my interest when I saw a link to your blog. Little did I know when I linked over that such a vibrant little girl would mean so much.

I just wanted to let you know that I pray for you and your family every day and I can't imagine everything your going through right now. I commend you for all you do and all the hardwork you put into your amazing family.

I will continue praying.

Love and prayers...


At 6:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big hugs to you all.
Your children at home are learning from you still. Your devotion, your strength, your belief, these are amazing lessons. We can already tell, without meeting them, what amazing children they are. They are also learning something very special that I did not get to witness as a child... a very loving, sharing and giving relationship between their parents. They will be beautiful, well adjusted, strong adults one day because of what you are today. May this give you some peace and may the hugs and snuggles come soon.
Bless you, Heidi

At 7:11 AM , Blogger KimberlyDi said...

Every morning, when my computer first boots up at work, the first thing I do is check on Ashley. I hold my breath until I know that she is OK. Because I know how quickly the Lord can take someone away. 2 years ago my mother died suddenly. Today, 2 years ago, at 8:30 am.

I KNOW she is in Heaven. And I pray that she'll be Ashley's personal angel. Because Ashley is the one who made to pray to our Heavenly Father again. Ashely made me want to believe.

Your family is beautiful, inside and out.

At 7:12 AM , Blogger KimberlyDi said...

I can't even post a sentence correctly. Ashley is why I started praying again. There. Better.

At 7:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just joining in on this blog. Oh how my heart has connected with you. I'll be praying!

At 8:00 AM , Blogger Elizabeth S said...

I will be praying specifically for Blake and Allie today. I will be praying for healing on Ashley and for her kidneys to wake up. I will pray for Dave as he goes home and for you as you stay to care for that sweet baby. Peace.

At 11:01 AM , Blogger Amy T said...

Bless their hearts. Praying for Blake and Allie to feel God's comforting arms around them. I know they will be so glad to see their Dad today, even though they miss you and Ashley terribly. They are awesome kids.


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