Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



...15 year anniversary

...happy memories

...700 miles of separation

...hard day for us

...hardest anniversary ever

...harder day for Ash

...unsuccessful surgery

...large blood clot causing swelling in head dangerous for surgery

...wishing I could take her pain

...thankful for her Mom

...praying for peace for Trish

...loving them both

...try to decrease blood clot with heparin

...another blood transfusion

...swelling in head is a bit better

...not sure why

...hoping this doesn't prevent her from coming closer to home, but thinking it may

...transplant life is REALLY hard

...thankful for her transplant life

...thankful for donor

...thankful for donors family

...thankful for another day

...ready for her to get out and "live life"

...don't take my health for granted

...appreciate the body God has given me

...will always love this life and "live life" knowing God blessed me

...loving Trish, Blake, Allie, Ashley and all our extended family

...another page in Ashley's Story bummed to write a real blog

...missing my girls

...thanking you for your prayers

...thanking God for his protection of the littlest pickle




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