Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


Stay Tuned

Something big is happening tomorrow. Something I never really saw coming. Its something I was told early on would not be helpful for her, but as she has grown things have changed.

Its gonna be tough. There will be lots of tears. I'm sure we will go round and round and round over it, but in the end she will understand thats its going to be ok.

If you remember what I said we would be doing this morning then you might be able to guess what is going on. If you don't remember then stay tuned because I plan on sharing pictures of it tomorrow afternoon.

Please pray for us. Its gonna be quite an adjustment for all of us, but especially for our little pickle.

I cried a tear or two this evening as I poured my heart out to Dave about her having to learn to deal with one more thing, and then in all of his wisdom he shared this with me. "I'd rather be picking out____________(I almost let the cat out of the bag) than caskets, and theres been more than one day that I feared thats what we would be doing." I cried some more because I knew that he was right. I'll take this over many, many, many alternatives ANY day. Then he shared this, "Remember our prayer? What did we ask for her? That she would give and receive love, and look how good she does that. She does that better then anything else she knows how to do. I'll take it."

So tonight I held that little pickle and I looked into her eyes as they sparkled back at mine and I knew that she would be fine. In time she will adjust. In our eyes she will always be adorable, and we will continue to live each and every day of her life with more gratitude than we had the day before because God is good.

Stay tuned, and I'll show you what's going just as soon as I can.


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