Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart


These are the moments

Oh how I miss my sweet girls. Those beautiful eyes, smiles, faces. I miss them like crazy, but let me share how incredibly blessed I feel to have this time with my son. So, so blessed.

I love my son. I love everything about this young man. I could sit and talk with him about nothing special all day long and walk away with a smile on my heart knowing just exactly how special our conversation was. I treasure the time I'm given with my children. I know they are growing and changing each and every day and that each day that passes they are moving closer and closer toward adulthood.

Blake just came back from youth camp. I expected to hear story after story of all the fun and crazy things that took place. I expected him to talk my ear off. I just did. All of that has been fun to share with him. It really has, but the most amazing and unexpected thing touched his heart this past week and to listen to him share about it has blessed me more than words can tell. He has talked on and on about a mission project. A project across the world that captured his heart. He was so excited to share with me that at camp this week the kids gave of their own spending money $3000 dollars towards this project. Not only did his eyes sparkle with that piece of news ,but you should of seen them shine we he shared how high school kids are traveling there to work. I could see it brewing deep inside of him. The excitement in his eyes told me that he too would love to have that opportunity to do the same. What joy! I can hardly wait. I knew this child was amazing and I knew God had done an amazing work when creating him. I am so excited to watch as God works the details of Who He is into my son. I love this! Love, love, love this! Oh, that the Father would make a way to use my son in this very mission or perhaps another. So exciting.

Blake is not just my son. He is an amazing kid. A friend that I treasure and that I thank God for. How blessed I am in this life. Truly blessed.

Yesterday morning he leaned down to give two sleeping beauties a hug while they slept and I heard this young man whisper to his sisters, "I love you girls and I've missed you." One of them scrunched up her nose and rolled on over. The older of the two opened one eye and then smiled up at him. A moment that I will forever hold on to. These are the moments that make life so amazing. So truly amazing.

Have a blessed day. He and I are off to the first of many, many games this week. Take care my friends. Trish


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