Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



Update: No one wants to call the attending. No one wants to come in and take her into Interventional on a Sunday night. No one wants to mess with this at this time. So... guess what? I don't want any of this either. All I know is that she has to have access and at this time we don't have any. All of her sedation drips have been turned off. She is going to wake up if they don't hurry and decide what can be done. I'm trying to stay calm, but...If this baby wakes up its going to get bad. REALLY BAD.

Ashley Kate's triple lumen was just lost. Calls have been placed to the resident and the fellow. It looks as though she may be going down tonight to have some type of line placed. Not sure what is going to happen. Its not acceptable for her to be intubated without some form of sedation and at this time we have no way to give it to her. This road just gets longer and longer and longer. I have no idea what is going to happen now.


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