Ashley's Story

She will leave fingerprints all over your heart



Klebsiella Pneumonia is growing in Ash's central line. Both lumens. It is showing that it should be susceptable to the Rocephin, but we will be looking into other possibilities since there has been no change.

Her platelets tanked to 15 today and she is in need of a transfusion.

Our physician in Longview had a death in the family and is out of town. There is not another physician in our town willing to even look at Ashley Kate. Not even for just a blood transfusion. So...we are being directly admitted to the PICU at Sutton Childrens as soon as we can get there.

Ashley Kate remains the same. All vital signs are strong. The infection is causing trouble inside of her body though and she has to have more platelets on board. Something as simply as a dressing change could cause a bleed and she would have no ability to stop it.

We are all on the same page. Not planning on a long hospital stay. Mainly going over to infuse and monitor then get her back home as soon as possible. NO one is looking to "fix" Ash. We all know there are many, many parts of her body that are "broken", but looking for a fix is futile and will not do anything but stretch out into a long hospital stay. We are all working to get her into a safe place so that she can spend her days in our home.


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